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This question got a wide variety of guesses on Twitter and Facebook.  The answer was "B," meaning that Thomas got it right, despite having to figure out the firefighter's rule from context clues.  In fact, I'd say Thomas analyzed this question exactly correctly!

The firefighter's rule bars firefighters (and other public servants, such as police officers) who face special risks in the course of their duties from suing in tort for injuries that result from those unique risks.

This means "A" is wrong; the rule applies to many non-firefighters as well.

Similarly, "C" and "D" are both wrong because while the rule applies to the police officer, driving home and being blindsided by a negligent driver isn't the kind of special, heightened risk that only police officers face; it's just an ordinary risk we all face pretty much every day.

That leaves "B" as the correct answer.  This a perfect bar exam question that trips up lawyers and law students but perfectly comports with common sense.  Why should the law prevent the officer from suing to recover for her injuries here?

Thomas is now 39-for-69 (56.5%).


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