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Today's episode features a deep dive into two recently-filed lawsuits on behalf of same-sex couples where the government literally wants to break up their families.  And don't forget to tune in for our LIVE Q&A this Wednesday, 1/31, at 7 pm EST / 4 pm Pacific.

First, though we return to the wild and wacky world of sovereign citizens by examining a recent bill introduced in the New Hampshire state legislature.  Does it really threaten cities in New Hampshire with a $10,000 fine if they don't subscribe to sovereign citizen nonsense?  Listen and find out!

In the main segment, we cover the Blixt and Dvash-Banks lawsuits.  Did INS really make a determination that one twin is a U.S. citizen and the other isn't?  The answer (yes) probably won't surprise you.

After that, we answer a listener question about whether the Supreme Court is as political as it seems.

And, as always, we end with the answer to Thomas Takes the Bar Exam Question #60 about trespass, signs, electrical storms, and deadly arrows.  Don't forget to follow our Twitter feed (@Openargs) and like our Facebook Page so that you too can play along with #TTTBE!

Recent Appearances

None.  Have us on your show!

Show Notes & Links

  1. Get your Q&A Questions in and vote for your favorites!
  2. You can read the full text of New Hampshire HB 1653 here, and, if you're not up on your sovereign citizen lingo, be sure to check out LAM 13 ("Meet Your Strawman").
  3. Oh, and don't forget to check out Wes Jensen's amazing sovereign citizen wackiness ("Hiding Behind the BAR") if you want to know the secrets they won't tell you.
  4. The 14th Amendment's birth citizenship clause is implemented by 8 U.S.C. § 1401, and then further interpreted by 7 FAM 1140, Appendix E.
  5. Finally, here's the NPR article on Gorsuch voting with Thomas 100% of the time.

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Can't recall if you have talked about the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">National Popular Vote Interstate Compact</a> before. Do you think this idea has any legs?


Ugh... what baloney! "Oh, it happens with hetero couples, but that's ok. Oh crap the gays! Nope, no family for them 'cause that's gross!" Insanity.... &gt;:[