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Today's episode features a deep dive into our nation's opioid crisis.

First, the guys take a look at a recent bad court thingy filed by Paul Manafort's lawyers in connection with his criminal prosecution.  What does it mean?  Listen and find out!

In the main segment, Andrew and Thomas break down the just-released Senate Subcommittee Report on illegal opioid use in this country and discuss how an obscure 1874 treaty organization affects international drug trafficking.  You won't want to miss it!

After the main segment, Andrew answers a question from one of our youngest listeners, high school sophmore Brian about a recent free speech case at the University of Alabama.  You may be surprised at the answer!

Finally, we end with our second of three Middle Earth-themed Thomas Takes the Bar Exam (Question #60) involving lightning, wildfires, an experienced woodsman, and an errant crossbow bolt.  Remember that you can play along with #TTTBE by retweeting our episode on Twitter or sharing it on Facebook along with your guess.  We'll release the answer on next Tuesday's episode along with our favorite entry!

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Show Notes & Links

  1. Manafort's accidentally-included legal memo can be found here.
  2. You can hear Deborah Smith and Zach Law discuss opioids here.
  3. This is the Senate Subcommittee Report on Opioid Interdiction, and this is the text of SB 708.
  4. Finally, here's a link to Papish v. Board of Curators, 410 U.S. 667 (1973), the case we discussed in answering Brian's question.

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Today I learned you can ship things from China using the US Postal Service.