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Today's episode features a full-length interview with the one and only Cara Santa Maria!

First, though, we pore through the Fusion GPS testimony that was leaked by Sen. Dianne Feinstein and we look at a companion defamation lawsuit filed by one of Trump's lawyers, Michael Cohen, against Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson.  Click here to read the Cohen Complaint.  Andrew also sneakily uses this as an excuse to teach us all about federal motions to dismiss and the Iqbal and Twombly cases.

Next, we talk to Cara, who talks skepticism, the law, and science education with us.

Finally, we end with the answer to Thomas and CaraTake the Bar Exam Question #58 about breach of contract for the hottest tech gadget of 1987, the Walk-n-Talkman.  Don't forget to follow our Twitter feed (@Openargs) and like our Facebook Page so that you too can play along with #TTTBE!

Recent Appearances

Andrew was just a guest on Episode 111 of Serious Inquiries Only, discussing the James Damore lawsuit against Google, as well as This Week In News With Kevin and Benedict discussing felon voting rights.  Check 'em out!

Show Notes & Links

  1. You'll want to check out Michael Wolff's response to the Trump cease-and-desist letter we made fun of back in Episode 137.
  2. You can read the Fusion GPS testimony by clicking here.
  3. Finally, you should go check out Cara Santa Maria's website for all things Cara!

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As a recently starting patron and listener, can anyone catch me up on what Yodel Mountain means and why it started being used on OA? I gather it's related to Trump's criminality, but I feel like I'm always missing out every time it starts getting joked about.


It's a reference to the game on The Price is Right, where the guy slowly climbs the mountain, until he eventually falls off the cliff. Whenever something else is revealed, Trump moves ever closer to the end. https ://youtu.be/YHv5jgXz9I8