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The answer to the question was, as many of you guessed, "C."  That means Thomas is now 33-for-57 (57.9%) and Yvette is 1-for-1 (100%) on bar prep questions.

Thomas actually analyzed this question perfectly on the show:  there's no question that Guy trespassed and caused damage to Basil's property, and -- as we discuss on Tuesday's episode -- Guy can and will be held liable to Basil for those damages.

The only question is whether Basil's property right to his house includes the right to kick trespasser Guy out into the bitter, bitter cold to suffer frostbite.  Thomas thought yes (answer "A"); Yvette thought no.  As it turns out, no is the better answer.

The other answers were less good.  "B" was attractive to many of you, but the legal requirement here turns upon the objective conditions of the situation, and not whether Basil's response thereto was subjectively "reasonable," so that's not a good answer.

Answer "D" isn't right, either; you don't get to use what is essentially deadly force in response to minimal property damage.

Hope you enjoyed the question and the show!


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