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And here comes the BS


Katara definitely still has feelings for Aang. She wouldn’t be so worked up if she didn’t. And I like how Aang is taller than Sokka now


I wanna call him mature for that but I dunno lol.


He spent hours thinking about how to approach this and in the end.... swing and a miss

Robert Walker

He kind of started off good, but, he should of worded that better, and have them two actually have a sit down and talk to her, like Sokka did with Suki.


Well at least he tried. Katara is still clearly pissed which is gonna be pretty funny seeing unfold.


But didn’t he try to do that at the end of the first comic. Katara instead of trying to talk it out with Aang instead just dipped out with zuko and that’s what lead us to this spot at least that’s how I viewed it

Robert Walker

Well true, she didn't even try to speak about which was messed up on both ends

icysolez23 .

Awww shieeet… 🍿

Lord Crusade

I have to agree. Could it be worded better by Aang? Yes. But Katara ghosted Aang for years after not even trying to hear his explanation. From Aang's perspective, Katara has moved on by being with Zuko and Mai while seemingly not wanting anything to do with him. Hell it was Sokka who invited him, not them. So, he is trying to do the same, cut things off before it can get awkward and go forward with their lives.


Katara, dude. He tried to talk to you after it happened but you trapped him in ice then spent the next few years riding Zuko's dick and carpet munching Mai. You didn't even get mad at Toph or Suki (at least from what we've seen). Leave my boy Aang alone let him get some Fire Princess coochie.


Exactly @LordCrusade. From his perspective she doesn't give a damn and has moved on.


Probably. However, she has spent the last few years fucking Zuko and Mai, she really doesn't have a right to be upset and her feelings for him don't really matter in my opinion. She also seemed to forgive Toph and Suki far too easily despite the fact that they are both her friends and slept with her boyfriend. Toph especially was quite voracious in her appetite for Avatar schlong but only Aang got shit for it.


Maybe because she didnt know abut what happened with Toph and Suki.


he didn't try, he's saying forget about the whole thing instead of apologising, he's trying to avoid responsibility entirely


oh my god, apologise you colossal prick, this version of Aang.....i suppose is very in character, very much like an airbender to avoid the problem instead of confront it


Well, then it'd be interesting to see her reaction to it now that Suki is pregnant for Sokka and bother her and Toph kept their mouths shut the entire time.


Either way, she can't really get upset anymore. She got her pound of flesh and if Sokka hadn't invited Aang, she wouldn't have gone looking for him.

Moonless Knight

Despite his faults, I can't say Aang is entirely in the wrong. It'd be easy to say he's avoiding the issue. But the first panel makes me feel like that's not the case. Simply because if it were, than Aang might have asked to be given a second chance or at least stay as friends. However he didn't, instead he tried to make an agreement with her, to leave it in the past and move on. Leaving her the option to agree and live her life with Zuko and Mai. There's also another layer to this, with Aang's character. Aang is someone who blames himself, more than he should. We see this in the show quite often and I think it'd be no different here. Despite Toph and Suki being able to share some of the blame, I can see how the past 4 years might have effected him. At first he was quick to accuse Toph a few chapters ago, but now he's had time to think and maybe even argue with himself. Thinking about ways to prevent what had happened. Thoughts like 'I should have been stronger.' Just plaguing his mind, returning to the day he and Katara broke up, replaying it over and over. But no matter how much he thinks of how he could have done better, the end result is the same: he screwed up. So now he's here, hoping to make peace so that he and Katara can move on and she can live a happy life... without him in it. Of course, this is speculation based on what little we've seen of Aang after the time skip, so we'll have to wait and see. Enjoying this story a lot Emma! Looking forward to more!!!

RY Guy

Katara certainly did that though….for 4 years….while riding Zuko…


what do you mean? Katara hadn't done anything wrong though?

RY Guy

She could of used a year to calm down and then seek out Aang for them to talk it out then. Hear his side of the story, the admittedly weird Kiyoshi possession. Instead she got with Zuko and Mai, for 4 years. Leaving Aang to stew in his guilt and shame. Her frustration here makes me wonder, is she really happy with Zuko and Mai, or is she just with them while she’s waiting for Aang to grovel at her feet and apologize? And if he did apologize now, what then? They get back together like the past 4 years meant nothing? Or just move on and let Katara continue being with Zuko and Mai, while Aang hopefully finds someone else? Like he’s trying to do so here.




A big part of the issue with how he approached it right before the breakup is that he basically said, "Calm down, you're being emotional" at a time when she had every right to be as emotional as she pleased. @ Robert Walker: No.


Yeah, it's weird for people to get invested in an emotionally-charged story about relationships. Who does that?


I wouldn’t say he avoiding responsibility because katara left him for 4 years so now he thinks she moved on in her life with zuko and Mai and doesn’t care about him


I agree. She did not give him a chance to explain himself in the past, so he doesn't owe her any groveling, but an honest apology would be the mature way to get some closure, so they could both move on and maybe even become friends again :)


That being said, I'm a little bit happy he is being a dick about it xD because that opens up for the possibility of Katara blowing up and them having hot makeup sex😂


Question, which is driving me crazy: Does Katara know about Toph and Suki's threesome with Aang?


Exactly. She had every right to be upset but ghosting him for 4 years to play second wife with one of his friends only to be upset because he wants to bury the hatchet and not talk about it strikes me as childish.


i think i',m going to adopt this attitude XD


no i don’t think she knows, but if she hears that Katara is gonna snap


OMG 😱😱😱😱😱 thanks for answering. Now, I read these pages in a completely new light 😱

Akira Inugumi

@RY Don't quite agree. Aang still chose to sleep with the girls on the island. He wasn't possessed at that time. And he's the one who should come to Katara in that situation, not the other way around.

Akira Inugumi

Can't really expect her to be logical after walking in on him with a group of girls. Most people would be pissed in that situation.


I hope we get to the sex soon.

RY Guy

But would she listen? Considering the first time he tried, and how unwilling she was to see him?