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Moreree pls


Lol. Let me guess, he's banging Azula.


It’s been 3 years Katara I would hope Aang would be able to move on “just like that”


Come on kataraaaaaa, we all know you’ve been missing of that Avatar dick


And here we go, he hurts her she leaves him they meet again years later and she still wants to ‘discuss it’

icysolez23 .

Gat damn, the way you drew Katara in that last Panel. Dumb curvy 🔥🔥

Travis Day

Need more busty, crossed arm poses 🤣


Katara should be more pissed at Toph. Aang fucked up too but like.....


Narrator: he was not, in fact, happy with that


Why is he happy to leave things? He's the one who fucked up


How can anyone keep their cool around those hips. Good lord.


Probably not happy at all. he spent 4 years thinking about how he hurt the love of his life, and doesn't think he deserves to be with her. Plus last time they spoke she encased him in ice and ghosted him.

Julian Fratzscher

TBF, Katara was the one who got pissed about the situation. Also, Katara crossing her arms and squeezing her chest together like that looks really great.


Well sure but what i mean is surely some more apologies are in order from Aang, saying he wants to move past it, to me, feels like he's almost avoiding taking responsibility for it


I get where you are coming from and I think he'll probably apologise at some point maybe in the next page, but last time he tried he said the wrong thing and pissed her off even more. He'll probably try and keep it short because he's definitely still in love with her and being around her can't feel great. Plus she's with zuko and mai so in his eyes she's already moved on


I think he's trying to be a mature adult, but is being the version envisioned by someone who lost all their adult role models when he was a child. Striving for the image of maturity without any instructions on how to actually BE.


Question is - how much does she actually know about what happened back then? Also, I think it's the partner's responsibility to be faithful, not anyone else's.


But to fuck one of your best friends boyfriend is that not a shitty move and as a friend isn't your responsibility not to be an asshole to them.


You mean the situation where she caught Aang after he slept with 8 or 9 girls at once ? One time with one girl, you can claim it's was a mistake, can't claim it was the same when you cheat that many times.

Mark Haynes

1. I don't think she ever saw Toph with Aang 2. Even if she did, that doesn't change the fact that Aang fucked a bunch of other girls too


Aang, too soon.


Yeah it was shitty of Toph 100%. I just understand why Katara focuses on Aang because he was the one who entered a relationship with Katara.


These comics are insane in quality. I'm actually really into the story. Great job here!!


emma!!!! i need more! lol more often!

Robert Walker

He said the wrong things again.