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Ooohhhh! Suki is pregnant! That's awesome! But I'm really hoping to see some more Ty Lee. She has always been my favorite from the show.


Katara still got that dumpy. I love it

Aaron Glaser

And there’s the sentence that’ll shock and concern Katara


Suki being pregnant hopefully won't take her out of the action right? And I guess I was wrong about Aang and Ty Lee

A Fellow Supporter

Hopefully Aang will be looking like Kratos from God of War with a big beard

Ibuki Mioda

I personally hope she won't. Having her actually move on is way more interesting than pining after someone who she thoroughly dumped IMO. I am more interested in the reaction to if she ever hears the lead up to the break up from Toph and Suki.


Oh THAT'S what you meant last week about something hidden in the page. Sokka's doing well for himself.


Ty Lee looking like she got some huge titties though

Julian Fratzscher

Is that a betrothal necklace Suki is wearing?

Garrett Carter

Suki is pregnant and Toph isn't?

Andrea Andrew

Wow. So Toph and Suki pining after Aang sexually basically went nowhere. That’s fine, they seem happier with manly Sokka, but they basically were the reason Aang was led astray. I wonder what happened with Kiyoshi, since she was last seen in Suki.

Eric McCusker

Let’s see ty lee in the stylefully

Caleb Siebenaler

Then there's aang at the southern air temple getting wasted off of cactus juice and banana onion juice.


These hight diffs have me all over the place. Is the water tribe just bigger than everyone else?

John Howard

I’m so happy for Sokka and Suki. Also happy to see Ty Lee

John Howard

Also Sokka got drip


gotta see more of ty lee

Travis Day

Suki with a bun in the oven opens up some milk bending possibilities🤞


So everyone gets a happy life but Aang gets jack shit? Toph and Suki ruin his relationship and they don't get any consequence for that, but no Aang's the one that ends up alone.

Robert Moore Shea

Suki and Toph have some stuff going on, but Aang slept with every woman of age on Kyoshi Island. Those two things are a little different


I think Katara might have been able to move on from the threesome, with some soul-searching and validation from Aang. But sleeping with his avatar fan club, an entire orgy? I wouldn't forgive that either.


I wonder - did Suki and Toph ever tell Katara what they did? I'm thinking that Sokka probably revealed it to her at some point and they all worked it out.