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Took a long time to start working with R18 stuffs again,. Noticed my last R18 work was at january.. Really long time..
Thats results from my last researchs for VFXs mods ports until now, i can come back to work and start over.
Things may not be going on track right away, Still rusted, i'll be perfoming a lots of scenes and simulations before new work.
Memorizing poses, customizing references, shaders ,VFXs names.. guess too much information to recall.

Uploaded the new scene on Pixiv: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112776014]

~~~~~~~~ Regards This scene~~~~~~~~

Lets start with how i proceed...
Had 2 option, go for phase 2 of the fight or at least some foreplay/fan-service for this.
Ended up with foreplay scene.. Honestly, i did not expect it would cost all my holiday for this..
It was going well, but... the tongue.. It rly was bothering me the default tongue and it was rly hard to use for kisses or oral sex, something like..

Was trying find any other koikatsu user for kiss scene or tongue stuff related, no success, like.. ''wtf?'' i mean.. Its was lacking this stuffs here.. Guess i'll go by myself..

''Yay sunday, time to focus on work, now at kiss-scene stuffs.. Wonderful i just spended 2~3 hours just to custom an shader for the tongue. another 3~4 hours for the kiss-scene, womb massage and posing correctly. Then already noticed it was night.. what? Rly??''

Hope you guys got interested on the new stuffs i did today.

** The deleted scene folder, has no usage for me, at least, was the abandoned scene with blood and it was not working well for me to continue. Ended up with foreplay and retry again the work.



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