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We've come a long way since Early Access started, and I'm very proud of what this mod and the community around it has become.

I wanted to ask you, my followers: What would you like me to focus on now?

  • What is the most annoying thing about the mod that you would like me to fix?
  • What feature would you really like to see added?
  • Which new camera views would you like to see in GTA?
  • What ruins the mod for you?
  • If you're a free follower, what stops you from trying it?

I am looking forward to your comments so I can focus on the important stuff.

Thank you in advance for the help guys, appreciate it!



Anton Hallin

For me, the most annoying thing is the reticle in First Person. It's big and blurry, and white. And when that's used with something like NVE's Darker Nights, the white gets so bright that I can't see anything else.


Pressing C works but on the controller pressing the right thumbstick while driving doesn't allow the camera to look backwards. Are there any fixes for that soon?

Anton Hallin

I already commented here, but another thing I'd love to see get improved is the offset configuration. Especially when it comes to ViewpointV first person in the vehicles. Some cars don't fit quite right, and when I change an offset, it changes either +1 or -1, with no in-between. It would be great if I could just change the offset by 0.1 to perfect the offset. I apologize if this is incomprehensible. English is not my maternal language.


This has been already fixed, and will be available in the update that is coming in a couple hours.


It works in Rockstar editor but the characters head reappears on which it shows the cam inside of the head showing its teeth, idk if that’s makes sense but yeah.