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-Removed Aim Only option for all cameras, it is gonna be replaced by a new system where you can choose seperate cameras for aiming and not aiming

This way you'll be able to combine cameras however you'd like, for example:

Regular Camera - Default Game Camera: Close

On Aim Camera - ViewPointV: Head GoPro


Regular Camera - ViewPointV: First Person Camera

On Aim Camera - ViewPointV: Shoulder GoPro


Hopefully, the feature will be available this weekend.

Vehicle First Person, Vehicle Chase Cameras:

-Tweaked default values

-Fixed G Force sensitivity resetting

-Fixed G Force sensitivity not affecting X camera movement

-Improved cameras for keyboards (reduced camera sensitivity to turning, to compensate for the sharp turns while using a keyboard)

On Foot First Person Camera:

-Fixed player "sliding" when standing still on a slope

-Fixed player not being able to climb stairs

-Fixed player not being able to get up

Head GoPro, Shoulder GoPro:

-Fixed reticle (same fixed that were applied to the FP camera previously)


World Prop

very awesome