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-Added ability to change menu key, use Controls.ini

-Fixed delta time smoothing

-Fixed CollisionFX activated on camera switch between vehicle camera views when driving fast

-Menu improvements

First Person Camera:

-Fixed audio missing reverb

-Implemented LERP to reduce jitter

-Improved head movement for Non Cinematic Mode

-Fixed abrupt shake animation when transitioning from/to sprint

-Added Dynamic FOV (FOV increase on sprint)

-Added ability to change FOV

-Added ability to tweak on aim FOV zoom amount

-Fixed recoil shake

-Added an ability to toggle Focus On Weapon During Reload

Head GoPro, Shoulder GoPro:

-Added ability to toggle camera effect

Vehicle First Person Camera:

-Default camera position detection fixed

-Fixed audio, first person audio is now played correctly when in first person

-Head movement reworked to be more natural

-Fixed vertical movement jitter

-Fixed acceleration/deceleration head bobbing

-Fixed camera rotation when vehicle rolls over

-Free look head movement improvements

-Added free look auto recenter

-Look back now returns to normal view, without the disorienting transition

-Fixed CollisionFX activated when returning from look left/right/back on high speeds

-Added camera shake on engine start/stop

-Added camera shake when driving fast

-Added a reverby sound effect that simulates disorientation on collisions (part of Collision Effects, toggle via the menu)

Vehicle Follow Drone:

-Reworked camera movement and rotation, camera now uses Catmull-Rom interpolation instead of linear

-Added camera shake on engine start/stop

-Added camera shake when driving fast

-Added a reverby sound effect that simulates disorientation on collisions (part of Collision Effects, toggle via the menu)

I will upload a few more smaller updates in the coming days, make sure you report every issue you encounter.

Have fun


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