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Hey everyone, hope you're doing fine. I'll cut straight to the chase.

Single Player

  • Added Quick Switch. Now you can bind hotkeys for your favorite views. To enable Quick Switch and rebind keys, go to Controls.ini

  • Added the ability to scale and move bodycam overlay text and logo via the menu

  • Added Motorola logo

  • Added the ability to use custom text for the overlay. You can customize the text separately for each camera. To edit the text for each camera go to OverlaySettings.ini

  • Pressing the Menu Key repeatdly now correctly toggles the menu

  • Fixed camera teleporting from far away when switching to Cinematic Chase Camera

  • Cinematic Chase Camera now keeps the vehicle in view at all times

  • On Foot Third Person Camera now points at the position you aim at

  • Added an option to toggle turning with mouse for Chest Camera, Shoulder Camera, Head Camera, and First Person Camera


  • Added ability to rebind menu key via the game's menu

  • Added ability to disable auto hair hiding

  • Added ability to disable auto prop hiding

  • Improvement to player's appear teleporting

There are many small changes to both the FiveM and SP versions that I forgot to include.

I will be doing a sprint this week, so another update will be released in the coming days with some features that didn't make it to this one. If you have anything you would like me to focus on, please comment below!


Have a good week, and thank you for your patience.




did u add a option to attach vehicle first person camera to player?


Yes, it is attached to the player now. There is no option to attach it to the seat of the vehicle though (like it was before). By the way, if you're seeing the driver's body when braking, you need to install Animation Disabled.oiv that is included in the arhive.


Hey, awesome update! Can you make a nightly build version of the update please?


Is there any way to disable auto center camera on the First Person In Vehicle camera? Its slow/delayed to move around and always auto returns to the center making it so you can't freely look where you want, also shooting from a car doesn't work very well, those are my only problems with the mod.