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Dawn, Winter, Jazz, Huolong and Marina will be back!

Last year I said that I will try to keep the number of big projects to a minimum so everyone can see more of my popular ideas get some updates and even  a finished game (reducing them to just 3, Battle Maidens, Princess Quest and Thicc Hero).
It's hard for me because you guys know I love to jump between ideas (so many cool stories and concepts and so little time!) but I will try to give these 3 projects the love they deserve this year.

I got myself some extra hands to re-do Princess Quest part 1 AND adding Princess Quest part 2 and 3 to have all the first adventure completed.
but after all this time I have learn a lot of new things, the models are better, got myself a new programmer and learned how to animate, so the first part needed to be remade from scratch to include more decisions, maybe mini games, extra content and animations  for the "action parts".
This will take time and it will be updated at the same time I make Battle Maidens (don't worry I'm not burning myself, you guys make this possible with you help) having two different teams on each project.

Anyway, here are some of their new expression poses and I will be sharing the new UI next month!!

If some of you are new and want to check the good ol' Princess Quest story, withthe old art  and almost no important decisions for the plot, you can check it here! 

or if you want to see how many extra content of the girls I have made so far (CG sets, animations, 2D/3D comic) you can find it in the tag clicking here 

Also the first part  can be played in a browser clicking here 


Princess Quest test



Aww man I'm so excited


Is Seashell a nickname for Marina?

Red Herrington

Always good to see more of the little [Frost Mage].


Yeah originally I called her Seashell but it was kinda weird as a name, so I went with Marina, it means "from the sea" in Spanish (yeah a little too basic XD)

Martin S

Princess Quest is the best

Alex Ahad

Love seeing Princess Quest progress again- it's really cool how you are able to run multiple projects at once. Plus, it's just great stuff in general :9