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  • Jazz.mp4
  • MarinaChrismas.mp4



10 pages finished with everything extra I had to do in December...was really hard! (visiting family, friends,get some things for the new place I moved when the month started) but I was still able to make a special gift for all of you who have supported me all this year!

Enjoy these princesses saying good bye to 2021!

I don't know a better way to say THANK YOU than to keep making sexy content for all of you!
Every single one of you make this dream of living from doing what i love most, a reality I REALLY REALLY hope you guys are had a great year, and if not, that you have an incredible 2022, may all your dreams come true and keep the lewd energy alive!

I'm pretty happy right now for a lot of reasons but most of those reasons, are thanks to you being here, enjoying my content and letting me grow as an artist!

I will try to upload a couple of videos of this set later today with the girls with their christmas attire! so stay tuned!!!

and remember the comic is in the attachments so you can download it easier!




Thanks Crisis. Hope you had a great year and I can't wait to see what you have for 2022


I'm hoping you get an opportunity to experiment with VR movies


Happy new year Crisis!




👀💦💦💦🥵BOING!!🤤🤯 You the mother$@(&ing man crisis!😍😍😍 It’s post like these that make me so proud to be your patron!🤩 I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in 2022!🤩 Have a Happy New Year, take care!!🥳😃👍🤜🤛

Martin S

Happy New Year!


Thanks a lot Vakama, I hope I can keep bringing content that you guys like!


Just imagine if this was animated… Crisis I’ll continue supporting your 3D & 2D art it gives me true comfort and joy.


Thanks Carl, gonna add some animations too, is not the whole story but at least some good action scenes


I enjoy this year being apart of the Crisis Legion


Glad things are good for you Crisis! Feliz año Nuevo!


Wanna lick that candy cane when Jazz is done


Wow I missed these entirely- I was going through my unread messages and found it, lol. Great stuff! I hope to see the other girls in a comic, too!


Absolutely love this set <3