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  • Mavis-1.m4v



I hope you guys got a happy and fun Halloween!!

I received incredible energy and love for the Battle Maidens project this month, and for that THANKYOU , you guys don't know how much it means to me that you like what I do even if it's not fanart related!

I read every comment and I get some incredible ideas from your feedback, It makes me really happy that some of you even have a favorite fighter!

I will keep giving Battle Maidens an important place in my work schedule until I have all the material I need to start working in a solid demo, but I will keep giving you guys fanart content too with even better quality as long as I keep learning better ways to give you guys new content!

theres a lot of surprises coming in November, but I will let you know this week!
meanwhile for all of you who also like fanart content heres a cutie vampire riding in the night!

you can get the video file in the attachments!




Great milf vampire ! Superb.


Thank you so much for the Vampire. Definitely my favorite character Much appreciated


Ya man! Great work! Grace Graham is my favourite all day any day!


Thank you so much for such a wonderful work crisis. Is always amazing to see Mavis having some fun with that sexy suit!, and I'd love to see more of María soon!


Thanks a lot to you for your kind comment Darkra! Glad you liked this quick Mavis I did! but it really hypes me up to know you want more of Maria!