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The big question! For some of you who have been my patreons for a while, maybe have things a little more clear, but to other newcomers who keep finding more uploads of art, sketches designs and animations of all these fine different ladies in skimpy clothes with wrestling boots, I think they would want more information, so I decided to make a really big post answering some questions I think you guys may have and let you know more about the project!.

So let's Begin!

Edit: added a really cool gif of the girls new full body shot, I will be uploading the Hi res image in a couple hours so you can check how do they look!

you can check a better quality video here :D the song is "Body to Body" by Tomoko Aran, while I get an official soundtrack for the game XD.

-What is (or will be) Battle Maidens?
Battle Maidens will be an adult fighting game with wrestling elements, having gameplay and sexy NSFW content for PC at first and then we'll see for other options like Mac, Linux, or cellphone.
It will have extra media content like CG sets, movies and if possible a comic telling the backstory of the fighters.

-What are game genre/Mechanics?
The game is planned to be a "Cinematic fighter", the best way to explain this type of game is sharing with you the game that inspired me to go this way.

Yuyu Hakusho Tokubetsu Hen (click the link for an example)
This is a Snes game that I really enjoyed as a kid because it used the resources at that time in a very wise and original way, making the fights feel like an anime and proposed a balanced fun gameplay that was even great for competitive matches against other humans.

Why this type of obscure weird style of game?

I was thinking a way to make a fighting game for a long time because I'm a fan of the genre, the only think I don't like of the classic fighting game is that the camera is always too far to enjoy the sexiness of a good battle with good angles, and I also love the narrative of anime fights  so having the control of where to put the camera, make zooms to the faces and "direct" all the fight to look as epic and sexy as possible is something I needed to figure out, the Yuyu game was a good answer to that, having the technology as good as it is today and looking at some famous anime games "special attacks" like Naruto Ninja storm or Dragon Ball Fighterz I think it's possible for an indie creator like me to make something really cool looking and diferent, and over all, sexy :D.

What modes will the game have?

The game main mode is STORY MODE where we will learn the plot of why our girls fight, what's the Battle Maidens Tournament, why they use those revealing uniforms and what happens to the girls who lose! This mode will look like a visual novel, with dialogs and CG images showing the important events, and in some cases with animations for the sexy parts of the story.
We will follow the canon story controlling different girls (like Mortal Kombat 9, 10 and 11) in the different fights of the tournament until we reveal the canon ending.

(this image is from Princess Quest but this way you can have an idea of how the story mode will look)

"Ah but I want X girl to win the tournament!!??"
Then the mode for you is ARCADE! where you can choose any of the girls and defeat the other Maidens to unlock CGs or videos of them defeated, and see a little ending WHAT IF the girl you selected had won the tournament ( Again like the Mortal Kombat Arcade mode)
The story won't be as long as in Story mode, but you can unlock a lot of Things here and have the satisfaction of see your favorite girl become THE BATTLE EMPRESS.
There will be also the classic modes of a fighting game, Versus player 2 or CPU, Practice etc.

-How many characters and why so few??

Initially there will be 8 characters, I decided this number because is the minimum for a Tournament roster (like the ones in Dragon Ball) It was the number of selectable characters for the legendary Street Fighter 2 and because I really want to make this game come true no matter what so I'll try to keep it real, I would be happy making designs for hundreds of fighters with different themes (Maids, Ninjas, Capoeira, Idol singer, kung fu, Fire and ice, evil secretary, magical girl) and all the tropes from fighting games, but then I would never finish the actual game. When I finishthe BASE game with the 8 girls working well, and having feedback from you guys, then I will start thinking in all those extra characters or even guest characters from famous H artists  :D that would be awesome.

So What's the story about?

The biggest secret organization in the world: NOISE every year has a big event where the big shots (called VIPS here) of the different criminal groups reunite to make shady business with the mediation of NOISE  (Business I don´t wanna mention here because P4treon can be really annoying sometimes with certain words) but the usual, Dr0gs, Tr4fficking, w3apons etc.
This event lasts 2 weeks and takes place in a really well hidden Island with no communication to the outside world.
To keep these dangerous important people entertained and relaxed during these 2 weeks, NOISE  provides entertainment, casinos, live shows, the best chefs etc, but the most famous event and what always keep the VIPS looking forward every year is the Battle Maidens Tournament, Where 8 women with different problems or motivations fight against each other to become the Battle Empress, and get a "wish" from Noise, which can be Money, fame, information or revenge.

During these 2 weeks the girls not only have to win their fights, and being away from home with no communication stranded in an far away island with literally the most dangerous people in the world, but also they have to pay for they expenses in the island using N-coins the currency used during the event, They can get a better room, access to the gym, better meals, info about their rivals etc, but the N-coins can only be obtained getting more sponsors within the VIPS.
there's a lot of ways to do this, letting the organization install cameras in their rooms and bathrooms, using an app in the phone Noise gives them when they arrive to the island,  and do requests the VIPS give them.
even having "part time jobs" as waitresses in the multiple night parties Noise will organize those 2 weeks.

All of this to be in the best condition to fight when the day comes, and win, because losing means the Maiden owe the sponsors the money they invested in her, and the loser will have to pay them in an usually not nice way.

I will pin this post, and be updating it with more info! But I hope you enjoyed this FAQ

Feel free to leave more questions in the comments but please watch the language an avoid dangerous words that P4treon can find offensive




Thank you for beig always awesome , i have seen the new years post of 2023 and looking forward to the nood3 Version of duo Bunny Maidens , the BM OC is Hott3r then ever. Thank you keep up the good work , stay happy

Annemie Vitas

Fantastic idea and artwork, I LOVE the whole "humiliation as punishment" idea, great work!!!


looking forward to more Maria animations


will there be a link for any Demos of the game?


So your going forward with your project. Awesome to hear!

Daniel Ramirez Mesa

Al ver las luchadoras solo se me vino esto a la mente: Atangana!! Dimelo carlitos! 🤜🏻🤛🏻


🤩🤩🤩That first image would make a mind blowingly EPIC poster! 😍😍I looking forward to see your project come to fruition in the future! I'm so proud to support you!😀👍🤜🤛


As always, Grace is waifu. Can they be nekkid in the fighting portion of the game, too?


Seems really cool for an idea, but seeing the screenshot of Princess Quest has brought my mind back to a question I've had for a while about it. Does PQ have an actual game build I can download to try out or is it just a bunch of CGs, comics, and some animations? I've been super confused about this for a while.


This is some amazing work! 😁👍


Finally! 😍


You know what, that's not that difficult, I already have the nekkid models XD

Cardo Vohl

Omg that’s the best news ever! LOVE the concept!

Cardo Vohl

Hoping to see Naomi, Maria, Hilde and Karen duking it out tag teams for semi finals/ free for all.


Awesome I'll be sure to get it when you get it up and running. I love your art and like almost everything you do.

Joshua veyna

Can't wait and low key man I got a character you would love 💕


Thanks for all the lore you've been posting about this series. Adds a lot of character to the girls. Keep it up!


Hi! I know my Patreon page is a little messy and it's kinda difficult to find some things here! here is the first version of the first chapter of the game https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/742534 the second part is in a past month post here availible for your tier! but you veed to search really really back in the timeline, sorry about that, I'm trying to get all my content organized but is a lot!


Thanks to all of you for liking it so far! and for supporting even my original content!


Tag teams is such a fun wrestling concept! I need to implement it somehow!


Thanks a lot! theres still a lot to do, but I'm more focused on this than ever!


Sounds fantastic, can't wait to try it out. I resub'd to support this project.

Clever User Name

Love it! Also maybe make a blogspot or wikidot or something so you can post this info without having to worry about the censoring. I mean it's not like it makes it that difficult to read or anything, but yeah. Might save you a slight hassle in the future.


Honestly so many people's original content just isn't that good, but your stuff is great! Hope you don't quit doing the other stuff though 🤞

Brandon Shane

Guest characters later, eh? I'd love to submit a few of mine for a possible tryout. In time!


Is there a high rez image of the character line up?


Thanks a lot, I won't quit fanart, it's just that this month was special for Battle Maidens, but recently I got some help to keep working on both things.


Yeah thanks a lot, I will try to put all the info in a place where I don't have to worry about censorsh1p


Love the image, very Smash Bros inspired


Is there an in-universe reason for why the girls sometimes appear in-costume without the straps or pasties covering their nipples and pussies? Is getting stripped of parts of their costumes part of their matches?


The more scenes we get for the girls the better.

Alex Ahad

YES!!!! this is HYPE!!!! Seeing the full promo image, it's so cool and dramatic! It's wild to think these are 3D models they look so hand-drawn too. This image really conveys all of the character types and personalities. Plus the lineup is really cool, good variety but all sexy oho~ my faves are probably Maria and Dominique if I had to choose, but honestly they are all excellent. I never thought of 8 as too few, in fact, that's kind of a magic number when it comes to a starting roster- probably like you are saying, via influence of SF2 and such. Allows proper focus, too. All of these details of the plan for the characters, story, and gameplay style is really neat. It's also cool to discover the existence of this very interesting and charming subgenre of fighting game / how anime properties did cinematic style fighting back then as well. This is such a good summary of the plan, it's great to see all that put together! (I didn't realize you can pin Patreon posts ..! I should remember that in the future..)


Ah Thanks a lot Alex!! you know it means a LOT coming from you that you enjoy the BatMaid content! A I didnt know you liked Dominique too! have to make more content with the new girls! Thanks I thought that maybe 8 want that much because fighting games nowadays start with rosters of 15 or 20 characters (or KOF 15 with 39) but yeah, focus is the thing I need most for this first attempt!


cant wait

Eric Morales (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-19 15:42:31 I'm SO glad you made this big post my friend! I am SO looking forward to playing your game! I'll probably have to get use to the gameplay tho. Might be too distracted by the boobs of battle ;) <3.
2021-11-01 22:47:35 I'm SO glad you made this big post my friend! I am SO looking forward to playing your game! I'll probably have to get use to the gameplay tho. Might be too distracted by the boobs of battle ;) <3.

I'm SO glad you made this big post my friend! I am SO looking forward to playing your game! I'll probably have to get use to the gameplay tho. Might be too distracted by the boobs of battle ;) <3.


Thanks a lot! It will take time but I will keep updating as much as I can!


I love this. can't wait to try it.


Awesome. I love the concept of a cinematic fighter. I wish more games did this.

The Silver Socialist

The Maid and Evil Secretary characters sound really sexy. I hope we get to see them.


BM is F1re , D0nt wanna be egoistic but a 2D set would be Nice

Sleepy Dave

More Battle Maidens content is always a welcome treat :)


Where can i download the game? And Princess Quest?