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The last girl I added to the 8 fighters is Karen "First lady" Morris, She was married to a really wealthy politician/celebrity and lived a good life for some years, she even had the time to become sort of an "instagram" fitness celebrity, teaching some martial arts moves and yoga to other women around the world, but this came to an end when she was filmed hitting a foreign young waitressl that worked in a restaurant she was and the video went viral, basically she got cancelled, at the same time her husband left, and took all of his money with him using his lawyers leaving her almost banckrupt and hated by her fans.

She miss her past life but she is participating to get something even better than money...
maybe fame? maybe revenge?

She really don't like Maria for a strange reason, Grace was a fan of her videos, and didn't believe the news about Karen being a terrible person, but Karen indeed is pretty harsh when she meets Grace.

This character is one of my favorites in backstory, there is more in her than just a mean bit*ch XD.

she's still in an early stage of the model but hey! theres like six of eight 3D models we are almost getting there! and having all them I will be able to do a lot more content! :D 




Does she also hate Naomi


Anyone else see the delicious irony of a character named "Karen" being an actual Karen? My God, she is the living personification of all that is Karen. I hope that Powerhouse crushes her between her thighs. Then Raid gives her a Karate kick to the ass. And La Tormenta finishes with a suplex and the pin. Getting beaten and humiliated by three different minority women is both poetic justice...and her worst nightmare!


huh, interesting! I didn't know about this one, and I was following the Battle Maidens stuff a lot! Is she brand-new?


haha yeah she was the last one I sketched, shes in the roster for some time but didnt made some detailed art until now


Lovley, but my best Is Pie.


What happened to Princess Quest? Do you need a games programmer?


Huh, did you made updates to this one? I am noticing it just now.


I like her backstory, we need more characters like this who're just straightforward bitches or assholes, it's fun!

Brandon Shane

Definitely on of my favorite designs! Personality wise? Love to hate her though haha.


Yes, lets see the Karen get fucked!


Did you get the Battle Maidens Discord server up and running?

Andrew Kaiko

"I. Wanna speak." *grabs* "TO YOUR MANAGERR!!!!!" *SLAM!!!*


Another interesting character. Hope to see more

Clever User Name

Niiice. What were thoughts on the ages for the gals, since some of them seem to have stronger MILF vibes than others.

Joshua veyna

Love it... wish I could a character created for this game 🎮


I still working on that but I will upload a lot of info about the lore of the game this week! :D

Alex Ahad

Karen (haha) is a really fascinating character here ! Definitely great heel vibes here, would make for a great villain. Because of the backstories though, it makes for also an interesting down-and-out kind of context as well.