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For the Battle Maidens Arena Project.
Someone from my Dev team (Not sure if call it that way yet XD) suggested me this to get some feedback from you guys and share the info and updates for the project in a more organized way.

What do you guys think?
I dont know much about discord servers or how to manage one but I hope if you like the idea, and have some experience on how one works, all of you can help me getting things organized for this project and give me good ideas to make a good place for the game to grow.

Also to have a place only for the Battle Maidens project.

This little gif is a test of the new maria rig that went a little too far XD

For a little penalty game for the loser of Battle Maidens Arena XD. I really like Maria´s new 3D model.

check the video with a little longer animation on  the attachments 




Discord would be cool


A server would be cool but I'd say not just for the project but your works in general. Being more in touch would be nice. I personally have been in many servers, I don't have experience setting up things but I can ask people I know who do.


That would be super cool! I’ve a little experience setting servers up along with permissions and all that so I’d gladly help!


Discord can help, seen a few devs use it with success.


Wouldn't be bad. I post both to my patreon and to my Discord server (as a reminder to check out the patreon). I find my patrons are more inclined to interact on Discord than on Patreon. Make sure you have mods, though, if you're expecting a large influx of patrons.


I say go for it!


Thanks, that's a good idea, I try as much as I can to keep in touch with you guys here, but maybe a place so all of you can talk about things regarding the Patreon or the different projects could work too


Sounds great! Thanks I will let you and the others here know when is ready yo I can get feedback and help too with that!


Hmm I think the mods will be necessary looking at how many people have answered this post XD


Why not ? Depends on community (only patreon or public or both) and what do you want to do on the discord server ? I believe that it is possible to restrict the access of the forums according to the levels patreons.


In the second shot where they are facing face to face dont have them sway side to side together. It looks like they are in sync which wouldn't be natural it should be a push/pull reaction


I think you just need to get more Battle Maidens content out, period. XD


I'm no expert nor am I mod worthy in any way but I do know my way around a discord server if you need help or have questions. I also speak spanish 🤓

Brandon Shane

I'll be there if it happens!


I would like to see one, and will still support you with or without a server


I run one Discord server and am a mod on another. If you need assistance, I'd be more than willing to help.


I will agree with LadPro there either way I would still support you..but would be willing to help honestly


Thank you! it means a lot! When is ready I will let you guys know and ask help when needed!


Great! thanks a lot! When is ready I will let you guys know and ask help when needed!


also run and mod on discord!


It'd be awesome to have a discord channel, where you can post updates and collections of your works. It'll make things much easier!