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Here they are with the new base body, I'm still working on some details (who have hair down there, who have a scar or a mole) but this is more or less how our Princesses look on their birthday suit!
Ideas? a detail you think would be interesting? tweak the color a little? another girls that should be there?
tell me on the comments and vote if you agree with the comment! ;)




Models looking amazing :D cant wait to see what you do with them.


Who is the center one? Is that Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)?


Nice work! Couple of thoughts... #1 on the left... I'd think she should be a bit lighter as she is Arabian, which isn't THAT dark. I'd also think she should be a bit thinner. On that same thinking, #3 from the left could look a bit oriental darker. ONLY suggesting... I know these all take a LOT of work time and in general.. they are terrific! Looking forward to the next steps.


no problem a good thing of the new rig is that it can be "altered" kinda easy on proportions and color, Let's see how the comments go!


As Coulumbia already pointed out, Jasmine is just a tad bit too dark (doesnt bother me one bit but still). Should be a little closer to Pocahontas' complextion. Other than that they all look great


I like to see a feature in which you can enhance the size of each girls' breast size, butt size and height.

Wade E.

I suggest a certain Scottish Redhead to go with the group as an archer.


Great ! Thanks for this pictures.


Oh! you know, I was thinking the same! (I need to experiment a lot with Hair on Blender tho XD)


In original Aurora (Dawn) had violet eyes. Also, Ariel's eyes are too bright for me. I think you could differentiate the hights of the girls. Especial Jasmine and Mulan is quite tall. 

Victor Lewis

I think the one that is second to last could look a little more like her counter part without there being to much likness. The pictures look great

Victor Lewis

I dident know you did the art for Pure Heart dud you are talented i love that game and cant wait for the next release


This is so fucking beautiful! Is this an upcoming eroge?