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Not going to take too long on the post today. I had hoped to have the alpha version of the new update ready earlier this week, but got delayed with day-job duties.

I also spent the first week of the month working on In Her Own Hands. I am desperate to get it where I want it to be, but it did take some of the time I probably needed to meet my dev goals on In Their Own Hands. As it is, this update has all but one of the scenes I had hoped to include. So that's good news!

I am finishing up a large scene that stretches one of the systems in a way that has not yet been done, but if it works right the first time, I should be able to release tomorrow or Saturday. This will push the rest of schedule (public release, polls) back just slightly.

See you again very soon!


PS - I am also almost finished the walkthrough, so that will be available for Patrons prior to the public release.


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