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We have about two weeks left in the month (and the year), and I am working to get this first version finished and fixed for broader release in that time. I should only need a couple of days' break for the holidays. I also have one technical/UI addition that I wasn't able to figure out before the initial release but have now figured out (and I think it will be a popular one).

Thanks to everyone who has already messaged me w/ your feedback, comments, and bugs. This has been a great help! For anyone else, please feel free to DM me with anything.

On the administrative side of things, I want to revise the Patreon tiers before the end of this month as well, to reflect the shift in focus to In Their Own Hands. I also want to take into consideration what benefits I can realistically offer within a given month, so that there is a real incentive for people to want to support at different tiers.

Next thing, I cannot maintain the Discord server. If anyone wants to volunteer to serve as a moderator, I would be happy to discuss keeping it open. Otherwise, I don't want it to turn into just another abandoned server that gets bombarded w/ spam of the worst kind, and would prefer to just shut it down. Is there any value in keeping it open? Please comment & let me know if you feel strongly either way (or DM me if you don't want to comment publicly).

Finally----and I hope that I have been doing a good job with this for the past 2-3 months----from here on out, I plan to do more frequent short posts like this one, just to let you know what's happening. Beginning next month, the updates and polls will include both In Her Own Hands and In Their Own Hands. I will also do more frequent polling (either formal or informal). The first poll will be once the "final" update has come out, and will be focused on which new UI features should be incorporated into In Her Own Hands.

My current goals are to have the following finished by 31 December:

  • Release "final" In Their Own Hands, version 0.1.0 --- all critical writing finished and media added; all reported bugs fixed
  • Revised Patreon tiers
  • Decision regarding future of Discord server


Emily Bostic

I'd say General Progress updates should be no more often than every two weeks, with additional updates/announcements as needed for milestones and releases, or anything that can't wait for a regular update. That lets you set a schedule/routine and keeps people in the loop without you spending more time writing update posts than working on the game.