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I'm trying to be more transparent and communicative as we move into this new phase of Surprise & Delight. One way I want to do this is to start posting more frequent status updates.

I am continuing to make progress finishing up all of the basic scenes and the first couple events. I will be out of town for a few days next week and may not be able to work on the game during that time, but I hope to have enough finished between now and then that I am still able to deliver before the end of this month.

If for any reason I am not able to release the first version before the end of October, I will pause billing again for November. I hope that it doesn't come to that, but I promise not to charge anyone another penny until the next release.

This first release should have at least one or two events on each of the major paths. One path will be far more developed, just because it involves extensive integration with the basic day-to-day "life" and is therefore easiest to just get it out of the way up front. The other paths will have just as much content before too long; it just won't all be in this first release. There will be a few major teasers for the other paths here. I will give more details as we get closer to the release.

Thanks again to all of you for sticking with me as I get everything moving again! I truly appreciate it!



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