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Hello everyone!

We just wanted to reach out and touch base with everyone about the next update.

We our through the woods with all of the unexpected issues last month and steadily working on the next update. Thank you for all your kind thoughts as we pushed through, returning to our day jobs and getting back into active game development.

As a reminder, this update will focus on Abby and Jasmynn.

We are building a big scene that will have multiple possible outcomes, so that is taking most of our time right now. Our goal has always been to incorporate different types of game play, and we really think you’ll enjoy the “game within a game” fun.

Both Jasmynn and Abby’s paths will also expand with a number of smaller scenes that are already finished or well in progress.

In response to player feedback, we have also (finally) come up with a system to replace the current hints/progress tracker. This is also taking a bit of time to get through everything, but we think everyone will be pleased! The progress-tracking function will especially be important as we continue with future updates, because some paths will lock the player out of some content. This will create different, unique paths and endings, and increase the "re-playability" of IHOH.

Our current estimate is to hopefully finish by the last week of July to release the update to Patrons, with public release the week after that.

Thanks for your continued support as we launch into Version 0.7.x of “In Her Own Hands.

Surprise & Delight




glad to see you guys pulled through the challenges. looking forward to the update!