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Hi all!

The results of our recent poll on the version 0.7.x content priority are IN! We had almost 60 votes and want to thank each of our Patrons who took the time to help make their voice heard. Without further ado, we will just jump right in!

Blowing away the competition, with 39% of all votes, the winner is Abby! This should come as no surprise, for Abby is the most well-developed character with the most unique scenes in the game thus far. We actually debated whether or not to include Abby in the poll at all, because our vision of Abby is as an ever-present best friend for the protagonist. In other words, she will be making appearances in several of the other paths, in addition to the scenes she has alone with Becca.

In second place, with 17% of the votes, is Jasmynn / Steve. This is really two separate paths, as we have special plans for Steve that will take root in Jasmynn's path and branch off. However, you will also be able to elect to reject Steve and stay on Jasmynn's path proper.

Close behind, in third place, with 14% of the votes, is Shaun. Like Abby, Shaun already has quite a bit of content in his path, but we have some very interesting plans for him. Some of these will also intersect with some of the other paths in very interesting (and outcome-changing) ways.

Devilish Dad comes in at fourth place with 12% of the votes. His update will progress this storyline, as well as their relationship, to the next level. Your Kink List preferences will come into play as his relationship with Becca progresses.

In fifth place, Bobby received 8% of the votes. Becca and Bobby have been playing with fire since the beginning of the game, without any consequences. This path needs to resolve a few things and will reveal the "true" Bobby path. (Reaching the "best" Bobby ending will not be easy...)

Surprisingly, in close sixth place is Cassidy, with 7% of the votes. Honestly, we expected her to receive more votes, but that's ok. This gives us more time to get creative with how we want these two possible paths ("Romance" and "FWB") to proceed after this!

Tied for seventh place are James and Dylan, with 2% of the votes each. These two characters (together with the next two, below) are the least developed at this point. For James and Dylan, however, we have some very specific ideas that will require the most work.

And with no votes, we finish up with Bodie and Tyler. We recognize that both of these characters are the least developed at the moment and do have several ideas for where these characters may go. Your voting in the poll does help us to prioritize the different releases but know that we will not leave them hanging.

As promised, we will be addressing these relationships in the order in which you voted for them! Our first update, which will be v. 0.7.0, will be a split update with content for Abby, Jasmynn, and Steve. We expect it to be finished and released sometime in June. We will let you know more once we have a better idea of how quickly it will be ready!

Version 0.7.x is going to be an extensive and ambitious release in terms of plot development. Over the last versions, we’ve moved the storyline along while bringing aspects to the game unique to Surprise & Delight - a fictionally-functioning phone, the CumPoints® system, the Kink List, OnlyGirlz camming, the FuckR dating app, and more. We wanted to create a game that reflects much of what Becca might encounter in the real world, and now all these tools will wrap into game play as each of these paths move forward.

We could not do this game without your support and this version will be upping the challenge for our work on “In Her Own Hands”. We hope you’ll continue to assist with your patronage - or if you’ve been a fan or follower, maybe now’s the time to become a Patron! Thank you for being a part of the development of “In Her Own Hands” - we appreciate each and every one of you!


Surprise & Delight



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