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Hey guys!

Hope everyone is enjoying the newest release! We want to take a few minutes to give you all a head's up on our plans for the future of the game.

First, we have two more short updates planned for version 0.6.x. The first should be released by the end of this month and will include two new major opportunities for the continuation of Becca's journey, in addition to cleaning up some code, fixing some bugs, and refining some scenes that have desperately needed for far too long.

Next, we will turn to version 0.7.x. The primary focus of this series will be on Becca's relationships with the other characters. Up 'til now, we have focused on introducing various people into Becca's life and opening up her comfort zone. But we always planned on the game having another dimension available: more serious/romantic relationships. (And don't worry, it won't all be flowers and sunshine... there are a whole host of new possibilities that only enter into her life with a "monogamous" relationship.)  Beginning something exclusive can affect other “situationships”in unexpected ways! Obviously this will take advantage of the Romance and relationship statistics for each character.

To accomplish this new direction in some of the paths, we will just continue where they left off. But with some of the characters, slight additions will have to be made to earlier content. Don't worry, though, even if exploring certain paths fully requires a new play-through, we promise to make them as robust as possible so that the game is enjoyable no matter how many times you play.

As we finish up 0.7.x, we hope to have everything where we want it to be about the halfway point of the game. Some of the things that we have planned for the second half will take Becca's life into a couple of very wild directions! We will be introducing at least one antagonist into her life, she will find herself struggling with some new issues, and we will begin to set up some of the eventual endings. (There will be several possible endings--some good, some bad.)

So the totality of Version 7 will be several releases to cover a variety of different characters and story arcs. As we head into Version 8 and beyond, things will get a little crazy for our young protagonist. There are so many different paths for Becca to take and choose at this point. She’s made some behavioral choices and patterns that allow us to introduce some juicy storylines that take Becca into even more adventures. Your game play will drive her various statistics to levels that will enable all sorts of possibilities and predicaments. 

We hope to continue to provide you with more regular posts and updates. It’s always a challenge to balance our “day jobs“ with game development and appreciate the Patron support that allows us to bring your our vision for a female positive adult game. Hope to hear from you in the comments or on Discord. We appreciate all our patrons, followers, and fans of “In Her Own Hands”!


Surprise & Delight



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