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Hello Patrons,

Well, we hit a few speed bumps this summer - and ended up having to detour off the development road, so to speak. This post will update you on how we plan to make things right for you, our invaluable patrons, and update you on the plan to move forward in the next few weeks.

1. Patron Pause: We are PAUSING the patron charges for the 1st of the month, so you will NOT be charged anything for September. This allows us to catch up to the support you've already provided and get back on track. 

We can do this through Patreon, so there is nothing you need to do on your part. The Patreon process will resume in October.

2. Patron Launch of next version in mid-September: We plan to get the next version out in mid-September and will launch to all levels of patrons and the public at the same time to thank everyone for their patience. 

That said, the patron tiers will remain in place for the walkthrough updates and other benefits, so being a Patron of Surprise & Delight Me will still have its advantages! 

3. Resume Turbo Release Schedule: Last spring, we moved to a schedule of a tighter and faster releases to be able to keep the game moving forward in all directions. Now that we are past our personally challenges, we plan to resume that schedule for the remainder of Version 0.6.x updates and beyond. Buckle up for Becca's adventures to come!

We truly apologize for the delays and ask from the bottom of our busted spark plugs that you stick with us through the coming update as we get back on track.

As you know, we are game developers in our spare time and rely on your patronage to support our efforts for "In Her Own Hands" and the other projects we hope to add to the mix in the future. Sometimes life provides a few detours, but know that we are committed to the game and this project overall. 

We thank you for you patience and look forward to bringing you the latest release in September!

Surprise & Delight



David Kindler

Any update on the release?