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The new version of In Her Own Hands (version 0.5.2) is now available for all Patrons at the "Surprise Me" level ($5) and above. This version will be released to the public one week from today. Any necessary bugfixes will be incorporated in the next update (0.5.3) expected to be completed within the next two weeks. The walk-through for this version will be finished and released to Patrons at $9 and above in the next few days.

Become a Patron or upgrade now to get this update! 

This update focuses on three things: the relationship with Bobby, exploration of the "back yard," and daily events in Becca's apartment. We completely reimagined the progress of Becca's "roommate with benefits" relationship with Bobby, incorporating a new "first scene" with specific keys to unlock it. If you already discovered the late-night encounter with Bobby while he was sleeping, the new events will still be available, but in a slightly different way. Be sure to update your saved games using the TitKok app! Of course, if you want to encounter all of the new content as intended, you can also start from the beginning.

You might notice that the file size has significantly increased. This is due to the addition of media, primarily in new scenes or alternate media choices around the apartment. To put it into context, the most recent previous update (0.5.1a) contained 1,479 images/videos, for a total compressed file size of about 368.5 MB. This new update contains 1,892 images/videos, for a total compressed file size of about 474.4 MB! Many of these are new media and text acknowledging different wardrobe choices when doing different activities around the apartment, including interacting with the boys. There are also a couple of randomly appearing "special" sexy scenes. We will be continuing to expand these over the next few updates, as well as adding in similar variety outside the apartment and around the city!

As always, if you find any errors or bugs that managed to sneak past us, please post them in the #Bug-Reporting board on Discord, message us directly here on Patreon, or email us at bugs@surprisedelightme.com. A description and/or screenshot, as well as the save game file of the game in which the error occurred, will help us locate and fix the error. Thanks!


Surprise & Delight

Changelog, v. 0.5.2 (spoiler-free)

  • Revised conversation about Bobby's interests, introducing clues to new scenes.
  • Two new sex scenes with Bobby.
  • Expanded "special" sex scene with Bobby.
  • Updated general scenes in Bobby's bedroom so that you can do different activities without leaving and re-entering.
  • New records added to Record Store.
  • Purchasable items added to Hemp Store.
  • Bedroom masturbation scenes expanded.
  • Aesthetic changes to eBookStore
  • Adjusted statistical requirements for leaving bedroom in various clothing choices.
  • Directly connected certain minor activities to specific statistic requirements.
  • Added variant media and text to kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom, connected to wardrobe and/or relationships
  • Randomly appearing "special" events in living room with Bobby, Shaun, and Bobby's girlfriend (Scarlett)
  • Randomly appearing "special" events in bathroom with Bobby, Shaun, and Scarlett
  • Fixed bug with phone and text alerts
  • New Abby dare in clothing store
  • Fixed bug with last Abby dare (from v. 0.5.0)
  • Fixed bug with exploring the city at night



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