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Hi friends, I have a very serious thing to discuss with you, this involves all the patrons and is about the way I provide the content in this page.

I started on Patreon last February, and I've been treating it like a private social media platform, I make posts that stay there indefinitely for everyone to see, including new patrons, the difference is that some content is only available for the higher tiers.

Now, it has come to my attention that some people prefer getting the content as a file pack, messaged to them via DM or email, I know some artists do this so their patrons only get the content of the month they've paid for, and is more private.

Others told me that they like the posts and they only download the files they want to keep, the only issue is that some people would pledge once every few months and get the same benefits as the ones who are supporting every month, so they asked me to find a way to make it more exclusive.

These are my thoughts: I completely understand if someone can only support once in a while, is very nice of you and every single dollar is appreciated. I believe that some content can be public, like the things I post on my Deviant Art page that stay there forever; and some other should be available only for the people who pledged that month. 

So, to further ensure your support is properly rewarded, I could create a Gumroad page to have all the past rewards there, and only the current rewards are going to be on Patreon.

Now I need to hear from you, Do you prefer to have the content directly emailed to you once a month? or you prefer me to keep posting? so you can decide what to download, but at the end of the month, all the exclusive content will be directed to Gumroad, that way only the current pledges will have access to the current content...

I know it sounds a little confusing but I'll do my best to keep it simple, please leave your vote or comment any other suggestion you may have, as always thank you 💜💜💜


Stephen Lindsay

Honestly, whatever works best for you is what I want


I love all of your work, but I do have my favorites ;) I want to be able to decide what to download.