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This kit (Ultimate locomotion System) in full Blueprint.

Video #5  ( Release ) :

-Grenade Function

-small recoil (in progress)

-kill ennemy -some fix  ( lot of ...  )

-Health Hud information

-Ammo count in hud reticle

-Weapons Bar in progress

Main inputs:

1)  Move - W,S,A,D

2)  Jump - Space Bar

3)  Change weapons - wheel mouse ( Down )

4)  Reload Rifle - R

5)  Sprint - L Shift

6)  Interaction - E

7)  Enable ragdoll (test only) - X

8)  Dash ( Sprint only) - L Ctrl

9)  Crouch - L Alt

10) Aiming - R Mouse Button

11) Shoot L Mouse Button

12) Melee - Push Midle mouse

13) Grenade - G

14) Camera Third person / First Person - C

Download File :

(see on last post)


UE5 Ultimate locomotion system V1.2 Release

Ultimate locomotion System download project on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/UstudioGaming Video #5 ( Release ) : -Grenade Function -small recoil (in progress) -kill ennemy -some fix ( lot of ... ) -Health Hud information -Ammo count in hud reticle -Weapons Bar in progress Discord : https://discord.gg/eQ6vzwuK9e I will update it regularly to make it a COMPLETE Kit. I'm going to do a lot of things to make it a complete essential system. (mantle, climb,ladder, grenade, full inventory system , full weapons system, IA , vehicles.....)


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