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Don't worry, I didn't forget about you all. Here's the next batch of chapters before I launch into the next ones. Really hope you enjoy them! Also, I'm loving all the comments coming through with your theories and thoughts on the chapters so far. :)

I'm going to be writing for the next few hours, and then I've got an interview tonight over on the LitRPG Legion page on Facebook. Feel free to drop by at 5pm EST if you've nothing better to do. :)


Hope everyone is having a great weekend!



Travis Nevins

Hey, I like the chapters overall! I feel like the reasoning from upgrade was right about him focusing on being allowed to use his ability over him making his own implanted ability, although hearing about him experimenting rather than too many chapters dedicated to sounds fun. Hopefully the next chapters go over him doing the weaves so he can upgrade that plant guys ability the right way only after getting approval. I'm also curious about this Grant guy/Vinessa(did he message her to say hey your help was painful but helpful thanks and I don't hate you or something?)/the resilience guy/healer stories too. Also very cool chapters about the weave concept overall. What did divinity say in chapter nine? Did that persons weave he just make get to the saviors because of what he did? I know Sal's plan is to use alchemy to improve mastery, but that will only be temporary unless those insights and mastery can somehow be ingrained? curious to see where that plan goes, but I'm not sure about it being quite a main thread because that guy is still doing the training? What is the main arc for this book? The tower/an actual scavenger run/skill mastery? But I'm enjoying what's written so far! Cheers!


Echoing some of the other comments about things jumping around a lot. Also found the sudden switcheroo of Erika being poor misunderstood girl and Gallant being a baddie quite weird and dissonant. Is it a red herring? We know Sal is supposedly good at reading people but this one really jarred for me Really enjoy reading👌


Just getting to these chapters. The “Hone” ability seems fantastic for crafting. With that essence making weapons that grant instinctive knowledge on how to wield them seems amazing. Especially for supports. Could definitely see some guns being pumped out with hone and evolution to go with the new armor.


Although it does say skills and techniques could still see Sal modifying it.