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Hey Everyone,

I'm so incredibly sorry about having to remove the Quest Academy chapters. It's my first time with having a Patreon story going straight to Amazon, and I thought I'd have more time to put things up and get everything in order. When the Publisher told me that we'd be able to get January 12th as a release date, I jumped on it, because I thought we'd be waiting until at least April or May.

As a result of that, to enrol in Kindle Unlimited, I'm not able to have the story available anywhere else.

I'm still trying to figure out what way I'm going to be doing Book 3, and how I should structure the tiers. Right now, it's a little embarrassing that my whole Patreon is marketed around Wildcards and not Quest Academy.

I've been hard at work on Book 3, but my full-time job has been really busy after the release of Baldur's Gate 3. We're building up teams and as the Narrative Recruiter, I've been in lots of calls with writers around the world. I'm not as far into the book as I'd like, so it won't be batches of 5 to 10 chapters a week like its been with Scavengers.

I'm be posting a release update tomorrow with more information about the schedule going forward. Thank you all so so much for your continued support, and sorry for not being reliable with the story updates. My hope is that 2024 will be a much more productive year for Quest Academy.

Thanks for being on this journey with me. It means the absolute world to me. 



Wait your with Larian? Take your time. BG3 has been amazing, its understandable your busy. I need to still got and finish my first playthrough. 120 hours and still not half done with act2 🤣


I've seen other patreon's keep Chapter 1 up for their books but I'm not overally familiar with the exact details with KU (I'd recommend finding someone more sane than Jez to ask though). Now I start reading Quest Academy 2 revised edition in about 19 hours when I wake up for work

Gerald Morris

No that's expected. I just didn't expect we wouldn't get the last set of chapters before you had to remove them


That’s awesome. Now it makes much more sense why you don’t directly focus on your writing more consistently. Man helped make a masterpiece.


I found the First of this series in audible by random searching in my "Genre group", Fell in Love with the Story, binged the First one, tried looking for book 2, found nothing anywhere. Fast Forward 3 months i searched again, found the Patreon and subscribed, been enjoying this book a lot and will buy the Audiobook on Release. Very well structured and thought out Story, my thanks to the Author for bringing joy to my days while reading this Story. Best wishes and looking Forward to book 3! :)


Woohoo! Congrats! I hope you got a little rest over the break. Looking forward to Scavengers audiobook. Can’t wait!

Dutch Palmer

Wish you could go ahead and schedule your release of chapters for one a day 3 times a week, M-W-F, or something like that. It’s frustrating to check several weeks in a row and see nothing new.


What a book as far as i've seen! What are the official times of release?


Are we going to get new Wildcards Chapters anytime soon?


Got it, read it, loved it, going to read it again! Now waiting for number three!!! 😁😁😁

Heather Herren

I will keep reading your books. You are good author but did not follow through with the promise in the costs of membership. Good luck!


Enjoyed most of story until the last thing Erika did that kind of crossed a line where She should be disaplined maybe next book where she gets told if she does something like that again she’ll be toss out might be the thing that finally gets through to her


Well I'm an Amazon Prime member anyway so no worries, just keep writing!


I just finished it and this has me so riled up... how in anyway is that ok. And Chatfields reaction to it... then sal immediately blaming himself... it has me so frustrated.


Ahhh it was so good. Am just hoping Sal crafts something that stops Erika. And maybe widely distributes it so she’s cut off at the knees


Hey so reading the kindle version now. Just so you know chapter 25 comes before chapter 24 and it was really confusing. Book is amazing though!

Sébastien Kingsbury

Yeah, it's kinda hilarious how quest gets on hid case about the potential to abuse his powers, but Erika walks around daily blatantly abusing mind control and somehow everyone is fine with this? Erika has a power set that should have her on basically a watch list and somehow her mind reading dad hasn't been able to figure out that however he's been raising her, something got lost in translation along the way because she's a horrible person.


This is a topic on Facebook as well. In my view this shows the difference in ideology of heroes. Aside from the special made by Chatfield, he even agrees mostly on how she did it but is only upset cause it’s Sal. Prestige doesn’t agree, Chatfield agrees. Sal is starting to see that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to be a hero only the motives as long as it does “good” for humans. I believe this will motivate and help establish his own path if what a hero should really do.


This was likely the most frustrating portion of the end of this book. I have two very conflicting thoughts on this, one, it was as Rapsten says, it was showing how some heroes are willing to cross some lines and others aren't, etc. Which honestly feels extremely weak and shows a marked downturn in quality for this series if that is all it is. The second, would be that it is foreshadowing to allude to the idea that people's heads are still being played with, emotionally along with memories. Sal honestly should have just noped right out, said 'KMA' to Quest and went on to go start his own Guild, but instead he and others just write it off as a some people are worse than others, but it just means he needs to better himself. It feels worse than Stockholm syndrome.

Nef Mccrimmon

Keep up the good work lol even if u do 2 chapters a month ppl will still rock with u if it's good story

Travis Snelgrove

Most do 3 chapters a week, maybe 4 if their nice, 1 ever other day


Except most of those are full time writers. With Brian working likely 40+ hours it really cuts down on writing time.


In 1 week Sal has to help Gallant and get anti Erika gear… I’m expecting Sal to have to “fail” the dungeon floor in order to save Erika in book 3


So my 2 cents for schedule. I subscribe to some that do 1 a week posts and some that are as high as 3. Due to the average size of the chapters and you working full time I’d only expect 1-2 chapters a week. Part of it is how long do you expect to take to finish the story and spread it out that long

Deko (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 17:13:59 Hey Brian, there's one thing I'm confused with. You took down all your chapters stating it was for Kindle Unlimited... you're the only author I have in my patron list that has done this (over 50 authors in the last year). So long as the content is locked behind a paywall (ie patreon) it doesn't have to come down (as far as I've seen so far with other authors). If it is exposed to public domain (ie Royal Road, etc.) then it has to come down except for a few teaser chapters (Max 10% left available). If your publisher is telling you this, I would be highly suspect of their intentions.
2024-01-13 20:42:25


Let me clarify my concern. Other authors will wrap up the book in a nice final file and send it to their patrons in pdf/epub/etc. (Prior to Publishing on KU) while keeping the content of their book on their patreon (still behind a paid subscription level) I know that I would rather support an author directly, and I do, by paying them through a subscription service. However the idea that I can no longer pay you directly to get the book, but instead have to pay a third party by which you will only get a pittance back does not sit well with me. Be careful that you're not giving away your own financial stream when you don't have to.


I need to add a caveat. I'm not offering this as legal advice, you're best to contact someone who has the expertise in the matter. I'm merely stating that you're the only author I've seen so far (there may be others) who has pulled their content down from Patreon to publish on Kindle Unlimited.

Thomas Todd

All the authors I follow do this, KU is incredibly strict about your content being anywhere else but there. I'm not sure of the exact legalities around it but it is something that's incredibly common for books on Kindle Unlimited


Like Thomas Todd I’ve had the opposite experience. Every author I’ve followed has removed chapters before the book hitting KU. A fairly quick search even indicates you can have your Kindle author account closed if your found having what Amazon considers your book up on patreon. Tao Wong either in 2023 or 2022 did an article where several authors indicated they got suspended for not taking it down by mistake and a few lost their accounts. All I can think is look at the big players like Shirtaloon and them, they all still take it down as well To add in, Brian has a publisher who paid for the editing, type set, cover artist and such. I fully agree at this point they should be able to maximize their investment recovery so we can hopefully get other new artist like Brian’s works.

gideon ferrier

Do we have any estimate on audible publication?


After a quick peruse of KDPS(aka KU) it is clear that an author cannot do anything with their works once it enters into KDPS. That said, once it is removed, or placed on KDP (book sells) it can be used wherever the author wants. That said, many will send the published book to their patrons prior to listing on KDPS. Some use Bookfunnel, other's just send directly. Shirtaloon, for example, does the latter.


Just finished Scavengers. Great stuff, can’t wait for Book 3. Looking forward to seeing Sal grow and work on his personal issues.

Dutch Palmer

It's been more than two weeks since you last posted a chapter. When can we expect more Quest Academy (or Wildcards) chapters?


No posting updates, schedule, notes, NOTHING for two weeks!! No postings or reason why?? Equals Reduced Support.


Actually the last post of actual chapters was from Dec 20 from my notifications so over a month at this point. I really want to support the author but all these “I’m sorry” and fake promises is getting old

Brandon Baier

There are multiple times where I think he should just say FU and leave. But Divinity has also pressed him on not leaving. So I think we are seeing all the reasons why Divinity sees him leaving or disappearing or in the workshop. We have Erika’s influence, Divinity’s influence, Vanessa’s influence, etc. all leading to futures divinity sees and warns him about.


Still no updates. Unfortunately going to have to unsubscribe due to lack of content. Looking forward to the 3rd book though. Love the series and if the frequency of chapter updates increases in the future I’ll be happy to resubscribe.

Sébastien Kingsbury

It's really not cool to just stop updates on a patreon for over a month without pausing patreon subs, or at least giving your patrons a heads up on the schedule

Dutch Palmer

Regrettably dropping this Patreon due to lack of content.

Trevor Warren

Adding to the many posts…I also cancelled my Patreon. It’s a shame that what was promised originally for updates is not being delivered.