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Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the large delay in getting the chapters over to you all. I was away in Vegas and I didn't take my laptop with me. I got back last night and I've been really under the weather with some form of sickness I picked up on the journey.

I got a LOT of messages asking where the chapters were and it looks like Discord isn't a reliable way to let people know when there's a delay. I'll be better going forward and you'll receive the next 5 chapters in the next couple of days to get us back on schedule. 

Thanks so much for all the encouragement and support. It means the world to me, and I'm delighted to have you all discussing your theories on where the story will go from here. I had great fun talking with other authors over in Vegas, and learned a lot from them about managing time and getting more words down.

Anyways, enough about me. Here are the chapters. Hope you enjoy them!



Andrej Ďurech

Thanks for the chapters! Don't sweat the schedule, it's important to take some breaks and take care of your health.

Dylan Alexander

I think there a small issue with chapter twenty nine, it’s missing some words when Sal notices upgrade lying against him.

Travis M

It's less obvious but I think ch. 27 has it too at the page break between 6 & 7. Ch. 29's is at the page break between 16 & 17.

Dylan Alexander

I’m wondering if this is just me but does it seem like Sal and Upgrade could have potential together? I know the whole ethics of that is a little skewed with him being a student and her a teacher/his personal mentor but damn if there isn’t something there between them. But now that I think about it Sal has pretty great chemistry with most of the women in his life, not sure if that is intentional on Brian’s part or if that’s just how it turned out but if there ever is going to be a full fledged romance, there are plenty of choices to pick that’s for sure.


He certainly fits better with upgrade and Vanessa than with the ones his own age. Hannah so far is a one night stand with them not having a conversation about what they are. We know they still talk as friends but not much else. Divinity to me does t seem his type more like a big sister who is a know it all and controlling when she perceives he is doing wrong by “her” definition. I don’t think she has ever asked Sal what he wants to do, just kinda forced him to go along with her. He spends the most amount of time with upgrade and with the war on and humanity losing I wouldn’t be surprised if some of our modern ethics are considered obsolete or detrimental. Why restrict a potentially good thing that can be motivational and beneficial to all of humanity so long as they can be mature about it. The rules haven’t been stated how close teachers/mentors can be. The “students” are adults and treated as such. So there is potentially a chance. I’m rooting for upgrade or Vanessa.

Dylan Alexander

Yeah I was wondering about the ethics of that kind of stuff with the whole war on. I’d honestly be fine with him ending up with either one like you. He has phenomenal chemistry with them both. And hell we know Vanessa would be interested in more after Sal sets up his own guild and what not.


I think once Sal deals with the Scavenger guild and puts them in their place she could come around sooner. Think she is hung up on past experience and feels like she would be doing the same to sal that happened to her, but unlike her situation from what we’ve seen from Sal they are both into it. At least that’s what I’m hoping, be kinda cool if something goes wrong with chatfields field training program and both upgrade and venessa sortie to go save/back him up because they realize what he means to them personally and not just what he represents.

Dylan Alexander

That’s something I was thinking, Upgrade said she’d take Sal to a dungeon to help him kill his first demon, if anything were to happen with them I’d imagine it would happen during or after they finish the dungeon. But I imagine that’s just wishful thinking on my part, I won’t lie, I love a good romance but only as a sub-plot.

Jamie Celtic

Thanks for the new chapters and hope things went well for you at 20books also hope your health picks up


Same, so long as the romance enhances and propels the book. A lot of these high conflict type books with humanities survival on the line tends to turn the MCs into soldier bots that kinda forget they are still apart of humanity and their responsibility is all encompassing. Personally find it sad and weary when that happens since they are no longer really living or more just fighting and waiting to die since they aren't living for anything really.

Dylan Alexander

Exactly my thoughts, they need to live a little and if that means finding love or just someone who understands you then all the better for it.


Agreed, so far with these last few chapters we see Sal get closer to both Venessa and Upgrade on a more personal level. Venessa opening up about her past and Upgrade showing vulnerability and Sal doing the same. Put them all on the same and equal playing field instead of authority figure/boss/mentor. I'm excited to see what comes, and they aren't too far apart in age that it shouldn't matter anyway either.

Dylan Alexander

I was wondering about their ages. Sal is what 18/19? I’m guessing Vanessa and Upgrade are mid-20s?


Think so, first book Upgrade says that her and Venessa graduated at the same time and they aren't that much older than Sal think a few graduation years so like 5-6yrs, but I'm guessing. But yea thinking mid 20s like 25 or so.


Your killing me smalls. You announce they are going to a dungeon and that's were you leave us. Damn you..


Is there a link? My Patreon on the web does not show anything. nvr mind. Patreon App has it. TYFTC


So stoked to get started... at the beginning of Scavengers. lol. SO much to catch up on! Hope Vegas was great and sorry you're under the weather. Sending some healing vibes!