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Hey Everyone,

Thanks for the overwhelming amount of support for Quest Academy: Silvers! It's been a phenomenal journey so far and I absolutely love seeing all the wonderful comments and reviews coming in. It's surreal to see it performing so well over on Amazon, where it's almost at 2,000 ratings / reviews in just over two months. Last night, for the first time, it actually broke into the top 1,000 on all of Amazon, which was something I didn't think would happen!

I'm going to be uploading chapters of Quest Academy: Scavengers to Patreon starting from today. I haven't worked out a schedule yet, but I thought it would be good to give you all the first few chapters. They're not edited and they lack polish, but hopefully you'll forgive me for that. It's Book 2 of Quest Academy and resumes only a day after the ending of Book 1.

I'd love to give you a blurb for it, but I haven't created one yet. I don't even have graphics done up for putting it on Patreon, so apologies for that too. :)

All of my attention is on Quest Academy until I wrap up the initial trilogy of the series. I'm starting Book 3, which is titled 'Saviours', in the next few days while Book 2 is in edits. I'm also working a full-time job alongside my writing, so it means I can't give any concrete promises on when Wildcards: The Dread Captain will return. I love that story and I'm looking forward to going back to it, but I need to keep my attention on Salvatore and his journey in Quest Academy for now. I'm enjoying writing in that world, and I want to keep the momentum going for as long as humanly possible!

So, below you'll find the first five chapters of Quest Academy: Scavengers. Let me know what you think!

All the best,


Heather Herren

I just checked today!! Was excited to see the new content!! Awesome!!

Gerald Morris

Quest academy just kinda popped up on my feed and I read it. Well done and instantly addicted. Need book 2 :shappeljonescrackhead: