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Happy Friday Everyone,

I've recently joined a group of other writers that lifted me out of my slump and got me writing again. I'm up at 6am each morning now, working on Wildcards and my other secret project. Hopefully, you'll like them and will see the build-up I'm trying to do. Our next chapters are going to be getting into the game and seeing all the cool stuff coming into effect.

New Heroes, Villains and some expanded backstories too for the existing characters. I've still some stuff to write in the real-world, but it's moving towards an exciting phase of the story, I think.

Let me know your thoughts, and thanks as always for your continued patience with me. I hope the three chapters will make up for it a little. :)




Not sure what happened to my other comment, but I felt it was the more important of the the 2 suggestions: I just caught up on Chapter 7-11. They are great but something I noticed that you started to touch on in chapter 8 & 9 but chapter 7 ignored. Plus it’s something that I feel James would have caught onto and shared his opinions on, especially with him being the playmaker. You have various classes that aren't very battle focused yet the Paragons are only looking for people who can battle. The person who wanted to get rid of classes could make for a good Player(Villain) in a social aspect, he could create a faction that does most battling for him and use charisma and words to build his faction and attack others in that way. He wouldn't have to be a top battler. He could go into other Kingdoms and create Rebellions or various other things. You have the player who wrecks Economies & while she does get selected you didn't talk about how she could be beneficial in wrecking the economies of the Heroes Kingdoms & factions or manipulating the economy of the game to aid the various Villain factions. There are plenty of other areas where you could have people who might excel at non-combat and work behind the scenes to aid the Villains and their factions or hurt the Heroes and their factions. It could be economics/trade/Etc or Diplomacy/Alliances/Rebellions or Crafting/Engineering/Etc or several other areas that could benefit from people who are better at those areas than straight up battles. Plus if they don’t attack a Hero wouldn’t they stay hidden? Allowing them do a lot more damage with no worries of having to fight the Heroes? You started to mention this with Ethan being a Monarch or JeffX being a Bard but you barely touched on it. You could have prayers who suck at straight up battling but are great at Kingdom Building or Managing. Or they could create their own Clan, Sect, Academy, Company or several other types of organizations and help change the world. Or have players who specialize in different types of combat. Such as players who can create a fortress and trap the hell out if the surrounding area but suck if it ever came down to a 1v1, they could also have a guard if NPC’s that protect them of anyone able to get past the traps, this could even be a base for one of the Villains or even their entire faction. Or people who take their time to observe a target & then assassinate them but in any other area they suck at combat. I mean you want this world to be open ended and allow more things to happen yet to cripple the Paragons by having them only think about battling and how good the person would be in it. I mean any primary battle focused class should be a great gamer but a social, merchant, crafter, etc class needs people who can actually accomplish similar things in the read world. While I like Elveria wouldn't a nurse or doctor make a better Healer while she would make a better social or merchant class?


I like all of the game mechanics. But as not a gamer myself, my favorite part is the real world dystopia James is navigating. I hope those plot threads continue, and more of the society is explored. I also love that despite his new found fame, prejudice and discrimination continue to bar his path - feels more real, and adds depth. Finally, James is of ours pragmatic at his core, a survivor, but I hope their is resolution to his anger, not just him ‘wining’ by living it up at his new tower.