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Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the delay with everything. You might notice that my name has changed on Patreon and the hyperlink is now different. I've been in talks with a publisher and I'm going to be releasing Wildcards in the future under my real name: Brian J. Nordon.

I'll be changing it here and on Royal Road. I don't have any specific updates for when I'll be publishing, because there are lots of edits to be done, continuity errors to fix, and a few tweaks I want to make to the story. 

Chapter 3 is taking a while because I accidentally wrote Chapter 4 instead. The jump made no sense, so I need to go back and write Chapter 3. It'll probably result in a double chapter release like last time. :)

Anyways, thanks again for your patience!

(Artist formally known as James) 



Your name wasn’t James?


My name is Brian James, but I typically go by Brian. I didn't want to put my own name out in the world incase I failed miserably. :D