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First wanted to apologise for the delay in getting the next Chapter out. There have been a few updates in my life that have been really exciting. I've started a new job where I get to talk to writers about games all day. 

I started interviewing with the company a few weeks ago, and I couldn't concentrate on anything other than it. I've just finished up my first week and I'm loving it so far. Turns out that speaking to writers all day makes me want to write even more! So my fear of my work conflicting with my writing isn't the case anymore. 

Not sure if I've any D&D fans here, or old-school RPG players, but my new job is Recruiting Writers for Baldur's Gate 3! Baldur's Gate was one of the first games I played as a kid, and the branching narratives and consequences really opened my eyes to interactive storytelling. Those games were major influences on me when I was growing up. 

The next piece of news is probably way more obvious, as I attached a giant picture of it to this post. The wonderful Iaina, who owns the Camila character in the story, has created this absolute masterpiece for Book 2 of Wildcards. I hope you'll all let me know what you think! 

I'm working on 'Remember Me? - Part 3' right now, for what is probably the fifth time. The price of that epic build up in the last scene is that nothing I've written felt good enough to continue on from it. I want the same energy to flow from the last chapter into this one. I'm hoping I can do it justice and lead us to a great conclusion for Book 1. I'm hoping to have it done in the next few days, but it will completely depend on if I'm happy with the quality.

Thank you for your support. I wouldn't have been able to survive over the last year without your encouragement, contributions and feedback. The fact that I can see the finish line for the largest milestone of my writing life, Book 1, is down to all of you. Especially considering this global pandemic, you've chosen to support me and this story. It means so much to me.





Nice going 👍


Aww now i'm sad, i thought this was gonna be another chapter when i saw the notification.