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Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to apologise for the delay in posting up the next chapters. I recently had a few personal issues that came up that affected my physical health and mental health. I wasn’t able to sleep or stay focused on anything for prolonged periods of time, which ended up causing me a great deal of anxiety.

I kept telling myself that I would persevere and get it done the next day, but I couldn’t do it. I’m taking a few days break to get myself back in order and I’ll be spending time with my family. I’m hoping to have the next chapter up on Friday, but I’ll need to see how effective the medication is.

Sorry again for the radio silence. I didn’t post this earlier because I genuinely thought I’d be able to write through it. I know better now, and I need to just take a few days.





Take all the time you need, the worst thing you can do is sacrifice your mental and physical health. I think everyone would rather turn be healthy than have an extra chapter. Also fridays Christmas mate take time off you deserve it.

Jordan Harpole

Thanks for the heads up. Cheers and good health