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Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your patience with me this weekend. Here is Chapter 35. I hope you'll enjoy it. We're very close to the end of Act 2, which is incredibly exciting for me. I'm looking forward to writing Act 3 and hope it will be just as fun to read. 

Thank you for your support. 




It sounds like our heroic villain, villainous hero? It sounds like James might start running around Rayth looking for quests.


just a question, but when He asks jackel what place he ranks, Jackel responds with your in second, but the main character then thinks to himself, that he's in last place. I am just confused about that.


He's compared to the other Wildcards and there's only 3 of them. So he's in second place, which means he's also second last. That's just a way to show how he currently sees himself. I've had a few people mention this to me, so I need to clear it up before I publish. Thanks for the comment! :)