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Hey Everyone,

So, I've been wrestling with a few of the recent chapters and I had some blockers I needed to work through. Start of the week had me writing in the wrong direction and I course-corrected. Tower is happening soon, and I'm excited to get into it. Really looking forward to seeing what you all think of these chapters.

Sorry for being a few days late with the updates. Decided to throw in a few extra in the hopes that you'll all forget how shit I am at updates. :)

Hope everyone is having a great week! I'm writing Chapter 41 at the minute, and editing Chapter 38 when I get a chance. Next batch of Chapters will hopefully be ready by Monday.

All the best,


Thomas Todd

Just to get something clarified, is the coat for Sal to use or for the healer (I've completely blanked on her name, keep things of her as Healer Bitch). The nod to the healer symbol and the abilities make me think her but Sal mentions he now owns a piece of Legendary equipment Loved the chapters though, definitely moving the story in an interesting direction


For chap 31, shouldn't it be a Junker V (Darren), and a Scrounger III (Sal) and V (Blathnaid)? Matron says they're two Junker Vs and a Scrounger V


Iirc he said she would use it during the tower thing and then it would be his


Rochelle will be using it while they're on a team, but Sal will be using it afterwards. :)

Thomas Todd

Thanks for the confirmation! Couldn't remember what was going on there


Love the chapters


He was going to loan the coat to the healer for the run, and after that use it himself


For whoever was saying on discord that Sal has to form his guild…you finally are getting your wish

Travis Nevins

Great chapters! I'm glad he gave that assassin some great gear and had an honest talk after stumbling. It's going to be interesting to see his guild hero line ups. Also he still hasn't made divinities item or Barry's knife yet. I like the weave/crafting parts so far and can't wait see how that tower run goes...oh and that healer's face when she sees the item she'll be wearing in the tower is legendary, lmao, her mind is going to blow.


Great chapters!! I really like how the scavenger run turned out, can't wait to see what they're gonna craft with the remaining materials! Also can't wait to see how much Sal is gonna affect the Saviour line up after all the messing arround he's doing. The only problem I have with these is that now I have to wait for the next chapters


Great set of chapters, and thanks for the extras. I'm quite happy to see Sal doing things he has talked about for awhile. The Sakura and guild thing has been a long time coming. I am now dying to know what happened with Upgrade and the Captain.

Andrew Tobin

Damn, I got to the end and absolutely wanted to keep reading immediately. This is definitely on an awesome track. I can’t stop laughing over the fact the second book was Scavangers thought, and this is the book Sal becomes a scavenger. Really enjoying the relationship with Upgrade, a lot of Blathnaid, and all. Glad we’re seeing Anna and hearing about Vanessa, but would love to see more of the team coming back for a short break before they’re off to the tower? Ironically, even enjoying the fact that Sal is still, for all his social skills, completely bad at actively maintaining his relationships, especially with his girlfriend-ish. He’s a bit of an ass for still not having followed up with her since what happened, and that’s totally in character. I hope Quest comes down on him for messing with Anna, especially after being told not to. Hoping Quest doesn’t notice things, especially after Quest just got his oversight penetrated by someone he didn’t see coming seems like a bad plan. It seems about due to be taken down a peg or two, to redeem himself in the tower. My guess is Chatfield is going to want Dominion added to his Construct as a second power stat. I’m also surprised Sal didn’t follow up on Upgrade’s suggestion to read who Dominion was compatible with, given it didn’t fit into a human (torso?) - I’m imagining a non-standard person or a shifter who can manipulate their body could use it. Missing the classes aspect, and wondering when the masterclasses will come into it (next book?)

Andrew Tobin

Hah, and his teacher who wants to teach them how to learn creds is going to freaking love this man. A scavenger run, a legen… wait for it… dary coat, more equipment, more skills, more reputation. Damn, Sal.

Nina Speicher

One thing that confuses me still sometimes is the use of the tracker. I just re-read book 2 and i thought that Sal was annoyed that he had paired the tracker with the gun and that made the use of the tracker limited within the academy. But how can he keep on using it/loaning it to other people then in non-combat situations?


An Sakura pow to the salespitch would be quit intresting


Didn’t he tie in an epic core to it? This would give it a decent reservoir and the core had some self replenishing I think the drain was mainly tied to combat ability using a lot more essence than normal appraise and such.

Aaron Johnson

Its just that the gun is the power source for the tracker. So as long as he has it near by it can be used. I think Brian did this to limit when he can use it but then then undid it with having them all keep their weapons on them at all times. Now I just get annoyed with all the reasons he comes up with to not use the tracker. It's this amazing tool that he made to help him with crafting and combat but it is useful for everything so he almost never uses it?


I completely agree, like there's no reason for him not to use it all the time, especially since the thing actually teaches him new things when he's crafting. I just don't get this whole "it's a crutch", "it's too clustered", "he forgot to use it", it feels like negative plot armor


By the way, have we ever been told how old Sal is? I’m guessing late teens, but given how desperate the society is, it could be younger. Like in the Middle Ages after the Black Death, most of the history back then, where made by teens.


Gut says we may never know. Just because of the sex scene in book 1, I tend to just go with your local age of adulthood


I think it mentions it on the train in the start book 1. Believe it was 17ish?


I was just thinking about this, and idk about everyone else, but I personally feel like I'd rather have 1 chapter every 1-3 days than 5ish chapters every 7+ days. Like instead of having to wait for a whole batch i could just get chapters more frequently, and if anyone prefers to read in batches they could wait until a few chapters have accumulated before reading them.


Loved the chapters. Ty! Some reason I hope to see more Erika and Sal interaction soon.