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Hey Everyone,

Here's the next batch of chapters. I hope you like them. 

It was a slower week in terms of chapters, but I'm hoping to pick up the pace in this coming week. It's Mother's Day in Ireland, so I'll be spending the day with my family. Thank you all for the comments and messages, I really appreciate them. :)




Slow is Not the term i Word Use


Thanks for the chapters, the new chapters are calmer and more relaxed. I think they are a great addition to the story.


I think he is doing well glad he is reaching out to his friends


It’s nice to see him connect with his friends. Good chapters thanks 😊


It does seem shortsighted of Sal to hide reputations from analysis though. Wondering if that will bite him in the posterior later


A non-chapter comment. Your comment about chapters seem to indicate you post them as you write them, do you think they could be an issue when you go into editing phase? Or is your plan to just keep writing and not make major changes to the story like the serialized stories in RR when they convert to Amazon?


Great chapters! I have to disagree with Sal though, I feel like Skill Master could be a great way of rewarding extremely loyal and high ranking members from his guild, and not something he should make widely available in any other way. Also, I agree that it seems shortsighted to ignore the connection/rep section of analysis, as well as the Threat Assessment one, can't wait for how that might come back in later chapters tho!

b bor

I agree, Sal should leverage his abilities to make the best guild possible. Only for guild members or everyone else at a cost

Travis Nevins

great chapters! I look forward to the scavenger run! Along with that talk with divinity. I view Upgrade as a supporting chancier and Divinity as a main character so hope to see how she and Sal will go from here. Also there is that whole side stuff with Anna Sukora and delvers, which I think Sal should get to teach him some close fighting like Vinessa suggested or make her something too. Lots of possibles and interesting directions to come. Thanks for the chapters!

b bor

Absolute counter, Análisis, and Divinity s skill would create an absolute monster of a skill


I feel like it is important to point out that the first mention of Sal making a Guild was at one the first Doom Society meetings in book 1 when he was talking with Alastair. Alastair said he would join, as did Anna Sakura. Him making a Guild was his own idea and it didn't have anything to do with Vanessa, although she may be pushing for it.

Michael Foreman

This series is great, loving the chapters and I’m happy he is back at school working on his goals again. Thanks for the hard work!!

John Curtis

any idea if we are getting more chapters this week

Clark Price

Loved these. I joined the sub fairly recently so do chapters just pop up when they are done or is there some sort of schedule?