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Hey there my awesome pervs and pervettes! Newman here.

I've been thinking about a good way to show how things have changed, and it was pretty obvious. I decided I'll be committing to a monthly Progress Report, maybe on the 1st of every month?

Since I'm currently working on several projects, not every month will be the same, but it's nevertheless a way of not only keeping you guys in the loop, but also of forcing myself to do something I can write about each month (that'll hopefully mean I'll move on from all the many art and dialog corrections I keep obsessing about to new content). Lately I'm all about keeping external pressure on to help my brain to get unstuck from perfectionism. I was being dumb, to be honest. After all, I know that I'm going to do a whole internal review of the game when the final version comes and make lots of changes before release, so this pressure I put on myself to deliver a finished "product" with every build is -in retrospective- pretty meaningless.

I guess I want you guys to get the best possible thing every time, but I can't do that if it slows the whole process down and rises my anxiety though the roof. It is a WIP. You guys know it is. Cut the delusions of perfectionism, Newman XD.

So, Progress Report every month!

What do you guys think?



Any idea when a new build of Ben X will be out?


Sounds great. Look forward to them.