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Probably the longest sick time of my life. It feels like two weeks, probably less, but you know what I mean. It has dragged out... could it be I'm aging? Who the fuck knows. I didn't do much... even adding the Progress Report tag to this post feels like a betrayal to all I hold dear.

Good news is it wasn't Covid (Who knew regular diseases still dared to attack us? It's a funny old world) and I'm feeling much better now. I'm still coughing, still feeling dumb, still feeling angry but too weak to go rioting... but definitely not burning up and writing mad stuff on the walls of my flat. I mean it DOES look good, but for the life of me, I can't remember what "Beware the moth-folk" was about in the first place, or why my kitchen's ceiling is covered with the phrase.

I did watch Wellington Paranormal (still like Flight of the Conchords better, but it's fun) and Loki, which is the best Marvel "thing" I've watched so far, so... there's that. Aaaanyway, back to writing. This time hopefully something I can use for Ben X.

Later, moth-folk,





Glad to hear it's not Covid. I have some relatives that go through the same 2 week sick period every blue moon, so I understand the issue.


"Loki, which is the best Marvel "thing" I've watched so far" 90s animated X-men and Spider-man take offense to this xD


Man, fuck those XD I guess the Insomniac Spidey games are there as well, but that's it. I try not to put value on nostalgia. But... Ok, amazing theme songs, I'll agree with you there.


90s Biker Mice is a good Marvel show. Good that you're starting to feel better and recovering.


Thank you! Also, biker mice from mars is a Marvel property? I had no idea :/