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Thank you all for your support... I cry Tears of Chrome, my Brothers of Metal.

May you escape the Demon's Whip, may you Strangle the Gatekeeper with his own Chain of Woes, may the Goddess of Thunder Strike your enemies down. May your Shadow Doom Chariot carry you safely through the Hordes of Hellspawn to the Sacred Land of Valhalla, where you will feast on Beer and fair (non-Iron) Maidens for eternity... And may your memory live forever.

Long live Metal, and Long live You, my brothers ;)




DJ Quinn

Congrats! Btw, I just woke up and the very end of my dream was about Ben X and I just gotta share lol Gwen and Shar were in Ben's room for some reason (investigating his suspicious behavior, maybe? Might be giving the dream brain too much credit :P) and "Ben" came in, so they had to quickly hide in his closet. It was cramped, so Gwen was pressed against the back wall and Shar was on her knees. Then Shar's nose started acting up from a smell she caught from that position...and I'm sure you can guess where that led ;P


We shall ride into Valhalla forever shiny and chrome!


COngrats 666


Now we can go on the Highway to Hell like rock stars :D