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There's this neat little feature Google Drive has, in which it REFUSES to delete files. No matter how many times you do delete them and how much you want them gone. It's the best. Awesome.

So I've been trying to bypass that helpful little nugget of joy for 2 days, since I'm restructuring our work folders. Wouldn't do it again, 0/10000 Gold Stars.

Aaanyway. I managed to and to not run of space at the same time (Gdrive is still updating, but I guess if I leave it working during the night?...), so I'll be back on writer duty tomorrow. Aka's been fixing things and adding stuff, so... Ben X Public Build soon? Fingers crossed, everyone!

Talk soon,







well usually they keep files in your recycling bin. After 30 days items in your google drive get deleted automatically https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/trash

Yuu Yi

You can manually delete the files from your trash folder if you are done done with them, otherwise they are deleted automatically after some time


Yes, normally. But sometimes (and this happens to a lot of people), it seemingly deletes them but the available space doesn't increase. Then you refresh, and the files are back where they were. It's not ideal XD


Maybe the same thing that posessed the cat in the post pic. Posessed your Gdrive and was playing at your expense🤔

Fine Black

Have you tried using a different program? I was recommended sublime text