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Infected derelict starship Captain Newman here with another Progress Report.

We are so tired. The "Hopefully just testing" from the last Progress Report turned out to be a lot of fucking testing, plus untangling a script mess that we thought fixed, plus a lot more. That's why tools like Articy, which track your dialog trees and check for loose ends exist. This is why automated testing tools are a thing. Ren'py so far supports none of those XD Anyway, here's what's been done since last time, these are for both Aka and me:

- Figured out a messy choices error in Gwen's study scene. This one took a headache and too many hours to fix. The solution wasn't too difficult, but getting there took a bit.

- Tweaked LUST values further

- Added a lot of slutty clothes to Argit's shop

- Solved an issue where the slutty set for Shar was not usable even after being unlocked.

- Fixed an issue with the buffout pills and other items behaving weirdly or even disappearing from the combat UI.

- Fixed issues with the Vreedle's combat scene (FX, layer order, grenade animations not playing)

- Fixed an error on Shar's "on her knees" scene

- Added a new option before a big combat for players to be able to go buy some items instead of going straight into battle.

- Fixed some more issues with Shar's wardrobe

- Re-wrote some more dialog

- Added all the new music and changed Argit's theme

- Added a t-shirt for Ben to wear while ogling Shar from the sofa while she exercises (He was previously shirtless for no reason. It was creepy)

- Worked with Aka to figure out a crazy amount of small new bugs that made us wail and gnash our teeth in constant frustration. Every time we figured out one and Aka fixed it, I'd find new ones... This has been going on for 2 months. It has been really exhausting for both of us.

- Fixed the first combat in the game being too difficult

- Fixed a B&D shop issue

- Improved category buttons in the wardrobe

- Fixed a bug where ben had 3 arms XD

- Fixed some repeatable scene order

- Fixed some SFX

- Finally figured out how the LUST bar should work.

- Fixed selfies

- Fixed the cricket error, where crickets would sing every day of the game (not even joking)

- Aka fixed some other bugs

- I fixed some other art errors

- Tested for what it seemed like years, in our own personal development hell

- Cried and laughed manically at each new batch of bugs

- Slept way too little and drank too much coffee

- Had periodic walks to try to relax and gather strength

What's left to do:

- Fix ONE bug with the inventory freezing when giving gifts to Shar.

- Do a FINAL full run of the game (I can't tell you how many times I've played the game from start to finish, still loving the music :) )

- Release the Tester Build.

- Keep fixing the game until we can release a Public Build.

I'm going to grab a bite, then try to distract myself while Aka has lunch and then fixes that one last bit of inventory bug argh bastard of a thing. Talk on Discord, or see you guys back here when we send testers the tester build.

A very very tired Newman.




Lots and lots of fixing and testing. Interesting Spongebob in the pic🤔😂




I'm just here to say hi :)


What is a "Spongebob"? That is obviously Tooly, who lives in an aubergine at the bottom of the lake...


The bug was fixed as well! Only half the full testing run left, no bugs so far!

El Heffe

We all appreciate your hard work and we wish you and yours the best of luck.


Yes, you can be understood when you fix one bug, and another appears after it, and so along the chain ...)) This is really tiring. Glad you figured it out.


Thanks :) There will be more bugs, but the fact that it's finally out... It means a lot.


Is there a bug where diamondhead is always half charged?