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Sorry for that, had to walk the dog, one thing lead to another... I'm now apparently a spokesman for bosseyedness, you know how it is.

So, new things I did:

- Wrote some stuff, exciting stuff that has to do with the motives certain factions have in the world of Ben X (secret)

- Fixed the damned BIOS text after fighting Photoshop's smart objects for 2 days.

- Fixed some layer errors in 2 scenes

- Added a "Creep Cam" item so that players are reminded to use the computer to activate cams

- Wrote BIOS entries for Sceles and the Vreedles

- Some more junk

Things that I will do next week:

- Add more nice little touches to the game that don't affect Akanoes' workflow

- Work on music

- Fix dialog errors and expressions using Akanoes' fantabulous newest invention

- Figure out a gameplay design issue with CORRUPTION (It could mean we have to invalidate old saves, but given the fact that there's been a lot of changes to old content, hopefully you don't mind the replay)

- Write Newman and Akanoes' end of version dialog

- Test, test, test

There you go! Enjoy your day :)





The pictures you use for these status updates are always entertaining👍😂 Good to know that the build is that close to being ready. So we can probably expect the update sooner than later. Unless new bugs appear🤔


... now we know what happened to the apple ... xD




Thank you for the progress report, quite a lot has been done. Good luck with your future development plans.