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Hey, Patreon folk. Newman here with a new progress report. Very productive couple of weeks:

- Fixed many art and script errors (dumb mistakes and small details)

- Tested 2 whole builds (annoying bugs being total dicks)

- Added some new FX and music

- Added new combat and wardrobe UI elements

- Added some UI bits to Ben's computer

-  Wrote and did art for 2 (small) new Shar scenes

- Retouched expressions for Shar, Ben and Gwen in a few scenes

- Added some entries to the Plumber Manual

- Something else I'm definitely forgetting but that I definitely did

Next for me is to do a new set of arms for Ben's doll, fix some stuff for a scene, add an item (art, inventory description, shop description),  test a LOT of combat stuff, add a couple more UI bits, keep writing the script (0.06), start planning improvements to the Patreon page... 

You know. More stuff. I'll keep you posted. A special thanks to the Discord people for helping me with that kick-ass scene! :)


P.D. Just noticed. That bro on the pic kinda looks like Ryan from the US version of The Office.




Can't wait to see alien Ben doing some of these girls esp Gwen


You and Akanoes shure have been keeping busy. Are you working on 2 builds at the same time??? That's quite impressive. You're having full catch up mode on and pedal on the metal.


Thanks! But no, what I meant is I tested one as Akanoes was working on the next, then fixed the issues I found. Then I tested the resulting build.


Well regardless it's an impressive ammount of work done.

Fine Black

Are you interested in receiving any unpaid help? I don't have much experience in coding, but I really want to learn and work in it. I have experience in art and can show you examples of my work.


At the moment, it would actually be more work to invite someone into the team than the help we could get, but still, I appreciate the offer. It means we're doing something right, right? :) In any case, sure, go to Discord and send me some art! If you are interested in making games, I'm sure at least I can give you some advice.


Did you design the character in your profile, btw? Pretty cool.

Fine Black

I posted it in the server, should I DM you? I didn't ping you either bc I wasn't sure if it would be rude or not