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Man, it feels good to be able to work on Ben X every day, undisturbed. Just sharing.

Newman here with the latest (unless you are reading this months from now, in which case... why?) Progress Report. Without further ado, things I've done since the last one:

- Finished the main story script for 0.05, including repeatable sex scenes, item descriptions, rewritings and expression tags.

- Added script for the ability to kick Shar out of the shower (which prevents you from seeing her showering on the cams, but lets you interact with her during the mornings in exchange)

- Added default hypno-phrase options (for Android users who can't input their own)

- Added a bunch of UI art stuff (New icons, items, character names...)

- Added a new boss combat character, with animations.

- Did a lot of art and animations for a combat character that will probably appear on 0.06, but hey, it's done :)

- Added and fixed MANY parts of the character dolls including expressions, arms, clothes... all knowing fully well that most of you won't probably notice. I feel great with the changes though XD

- Added SHIP doll, and its coiled-around-girls version. BEEP.

- Added Upgrade (Mechamorph) alien unlock art

- Added new story scene (???)

- Added a lot of art to the Gwen Study scene

- Added art to Shar's Health Check Scene & At the Door scene

- Added stuff to (and improved old stuff of) other sex scenes

- Added new SFX

- Many other little things that are boring to recount, so I'll just skip them

That looks about right. What's next on my list?, you'd ask. Here's how I would answer:

- Dialog for every name you can convince Shar you will call her. I wanted to do this on the previous build, but since you could only get her lust and corruption so high -without cheating, that is, wink wink, nudge nudge-, I'm doing it now.

- Add the first "comm messaging" scene. Short but sweet.

- FX for the new combat items: Combat pills, Speed pills, Maxi-Medkit, Defibrillator. Easy stuff.

- Add music tags to the script (during the testing phase)

- Testing. LOTS of testing.

- Using Akanoes new Dialog-O-Matic voodoo to change dialog line errors that I've missed on the spot. And loving it.

- Adding stuff I had forgotten I would have to. This always happens. Sometimes it's just an art asset, sometimes it's a whole scene. It's one of the many wonders of freelance game development. Aaaand loving it.

I think that's about it. Not a lot left to do, it seems, but testing is time-consuming to say the least and I've also been mistaken before when calculating deadlines. That means still no "whens", but as always, work is being done. This two past months it so happens, much faster than any other period this year. And while I'm still not where I want to be deadline-wise, I'm closer than ever. Thank you guys so much, it's all your doing.

Talk very soon,





Sounds good. Seems like you've been able to roughly do the same amount of progression in the last 2 months as the rest of the year combinend. It's been an odd year for everyone and for you work wise, it has been quite a mixed oddity. Let's hope next year is better for everyone and I hope next year will be much better for you and Akanoes, in every way Possible 🤞👍


Thanks, Poemzy! Not really, we've done a lot during the year... it's just that most of it was fixing the smallest things or the biggest, so there was nothing to show for it XD


But yeah, man, let's hope 2021 is better. What a vomit-covered broken-ass rusty tunnel of love 2020 has been.


WOW!! SHIP and UPGRADE ? :D Cool, man. I am up for Adding more Aliens :)

Fine Black

God, I wish I could work on a project that consistently. It feels good to work on art like that, on something people can enjoy and talk about.


"That consistently" XD Although it seems we now are! So maybe I shouldn't laugh :)