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Hey, hey, hey! It's Corporal Newman here with another Progress Report.

It's been a productive week. Akanoes and I realized we could streamline things a bit more if he updated our development tools to allow me to modify the expressions and dialog inside the build itself. As always, when faced with a real challenge (especially considering Ren'py's finnicky moods), his answer was "Let me look into it". This one is not easy by any means, but even if the new devtools can do HALF of what we discussed, it should save me hours of work! The tedious kind too. So that's good.

Apart from that, Akanoes has been working on the story, and so have I, giving the new build's script another pass as I add expression tags, effects, music and sound. I have been working on the repeatable scenes too, for Shar and Gwen both (in the case of the latter, the "study sessions" scenes). Testing has -as always- been done.

I have also been taking care of a wood pigeon that fell off her nest about three weeks ago. She (or he, I haven't really bothered looking) is a royal pain in the ass to feed and ugly as sin, but she's growing nicely and even flying a bit lately. Murphy (my dog) wanted to eat the flying rat at first, but after the pigeon started flapping about, they seem now to respectfully keep their distance from one another. So yeah, my flat is covered in dog hair, seeds and pigeon shit now. It's not as bad as it sounds, but you know, gotta complain :)

Nothing else to report, going back to the frontline. Give Ma some kisses from me, and tell Paw not to worry, the boys and I will take Berlin by Spring, come back home as men. Talk soon,




Karl Rigby

Ma says come back soon soldier.


Glad that the week was productive ... And now your dog and also you should have a lot of fun with a new friend))


As soon as we kick Adolf's ass, bro. I promise. Feed Rex for me too, will ya? Otherwise he'll start chasing Mr. Robinson's chickens again. And don't let his boys harass Mary. I know she's still young, but she's fit to be a pretty girl, our sister. They may get some ideas. They're calling us to the front, brother. I'll be sure to get you Hitler's moustache as a gift when I return!


It's been very interesting watching the damn thing grow from what looked like a partially digested piece of vomit to an almost manageable sight XD But yeah, it's fun to have a pigeon on my shoulder and go around pretending I'm a pirate around the flat. I think I'll build a cushion fort on the living room and invite some friends over :D


Do you know a percentage of how long the game takes?🤔🤔


No idea, so here's a math joke instead:Why shouldn’t you let advanced math intimidate you? It’s easy as pi!